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Avatar aggravation

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I can't get the site to let me change my avatar. I am tired of looking at the picture of the evil damsel I no longer <thankfully> have.

I've been trying to upload a picture of a new fish and it won't let me. Keeps giving me a 'we can't determine your new avatar' message!? Is the server just having a bad moment?

My picture is under 100KB. Trying to upload direct from my computer like the other picture. I can get one of the generic avatars to show up, but when I try to upload anything from my computer the stupid damsel picture shows up no matter what I do. I've tried to delete it, then save settings. Still not working.

Am I missing the obvious?


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LOL!! I haven't seen the movie yet. My brother (21 year old army boy) loved it. He sent me a text talking about how Avatar rocked... silly me... I thought he was talking about the cartoon series my kids watch all the time. Ya know, Avatar the air bender with his odd flying ox thing. Boy, sometimes I feel so old and out of the loop.

I'm gonna go try to change my avatar <not the movie!> again and see if I can get it to work. Thank you for checking the setting for me. I'm trying to upload a .jpg that is just under 100kb.

Spending way to much time online today avoiding the cold. I had to break through 1/2" thick ice on all the outside water troughs this morning when I went out to feed my big 4 legged furry livestock. Brrr!!!!

edit- Tried again still not luck.

I tried to delete the existing avatar and it gave me this error message in a pink box:

We could not determine the avatar you were trying to update with

Tried to upload the new image and the damsel picture showed back up.

Will email the picture I'm trying to upload.


Edited by KeeperOfTheZoo
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