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Colorado Bend State Park


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The wife and I just got back from a trip to Colorado Bend State Park and let me say I was very impressed. The campsites were very clean and well maintained. The staff was friendly and helpful every chance they had. The scenery was beautiful. Gorman falls and Gorman cave were each inspiring in their own way.

I just wanted to put out a recommendation to anyone who is considering going out and doing a little hiking to definitely keep this place in mind.













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Yes, i have been their myself a time or two, back in the days when we camped alot, seemed we used to camp every other weekend, Now not so much. Maybe 1 or 2 times a year and it normaly involves me taking a RV or 5th wheel. so not so much camping lol

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ya that is a nice place. Cant wait to be able to take my son to enjoy the sights of nature

We have the same goal once our daughter gets older :( Pictures like above, and the PBS National Park series has really made us want to go out exploring the US.

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If you want gorgeous views that are a little closer to home, here are pictures taken in Pedernales Falls State Park last weekend. The river was much higher than normal from the rains, but it was still beautiful. It took a little over an hour to get there ( mainly 'cause I got us lost. ) And there is a bonus...You drive right by Austin Aqua Dome!



Edited by Carrie
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