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input needed, neighbor's cat.


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About 3 weeks ago a tiny stray kitten came up to our house and camped out. It had a little bell around it's neck. 2 days later we had that horrible storm rip through the neighborhood and we wondered what happened to the cat. It came out of hiding soon after the rains stopped and was looking really ragged. We put a little food out for it and it's been hanging around the house ever since. About 4 days ago the misses was out on the porch petting the little kitten when the neighbor from across the street came out and looked over at her.

Him: "you been feeding that cat".

Her: "Yeah. We don't know who's it is. You have any idea?"

Him: "Nope. It's yours now"

Then he turns around and heads into his house, looks back one more time and then slams his door shut.

2 days later and his wife comes over with the kids. She says that the kitten was found by them about a month ago and they took care of it for a few days. She said the guy hates cats and that she cannot figure out why he said what he did. So my girl asks them to take the cat back home with them and says she will stop feeding it. The lady refuses to take the cat home. This morning we find another bowl of cat food next to the one we put out.

Ok so that's kinda creepy right? Any thoughts? It's pouring rain and the cat is sleeping on a towel we put out for it. My girl wants to take it to the vet and have everything done to it and make it an inside cat. To soon? Now that she seems over the loss of Springroll, the coolest cat ever, I'd like for her to take on another kitten. I know we can get a kitten anywhere so that's not the problem. The problem is that this kitten is not being taken care of and was very thin when it decided our porch was it's home.

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I think i would take the cat inside and remove all the bowls on the porch and stuff and just act like the cat never existed outside. and love and take care of the kitty and not worry about the neighbors. i think the more they see the cat the more it mite escalate. i have been through this before with a neighbor that got a cat and never took care of it i watched the cat starve for days till i couldnt take it anymore, they would leave the cat outside in 100dg heat with no water or anything. i finally had to say something to the guy and we almost got into a fight over this cat. i took it inside and it seem to go away after a couple weeks. kinda out of site out of mind..

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Take the cat in...they said they found it and took care of it for a couple of days. That's not exactly ownership. If you brought it to the shelter after a week, I think they'd make you sign an owner surrender form. The cat is better off with you anyway. If it's kept inside they will probably forget all about it. The worst they could do is sue you and most people like that won't bother. Then you can say "okay, this is what I put in for vet expenses after you said "it's yours now"" and you can have it after you give me this money. Nobody that took care of a kitten for a couple days will bother with all that mess.

So take him in, give him a cool name and LOTS of love!


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We were leaning towards naming her "one-eared jack". She was in a tussle early on and much of her left ear got dingy and rotted off. I'm sure it will slowly grow back being that she is a kitten and I've certainly seen worse. Kinda like in a deck of cards you have a one-eyed jack.

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Keep the kitty. She picked you. Make that she HIRED you. Dogs have owners, cats have staff.

I don't think ears grow back. I have a 25 year old horse who had part of her ear bitten off by another horse when she was 2. It's still gone. I also had a dog who got in a tussle as a small puppy which caused just a split in her ear about 3/4" long and it never grew back together. I think I even tried taping it. Oh, and what about breeds that get surgically docked as pups like Schnauzers, Dobies and PB's? Nope, you've got a permanent Van Gogh there.

Edited by PeeperKeeper
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well since Gabe isn't ever going to help me with that dent...

We had THE TALK with the neighbors. Asked them what they wanted to do with the kitten and asked if they were going to get it all of its shots and get it spayed. They said that they neither cared to, nor wished to spend the money on such. We told them we planned to do that for the cat, and especially since it is now just about able to make many, many kittens of its own. We tried to offer to leave it as an outdoor cat once fixed and allow it to flow between the houses and they opted to relinquish any claims to it. They told us they would prefer we keep it as an indoor cat.

Many shots and flea meds later, and a few round worms, she is now in the back room asleep.

Both Victoria and Jack (vet papers say "One Eared Jack") seem much happier now. I'm glad we are picking up the pieces and moving on after our trouble with Springroll the former coolest cat ever with tiny legs.

Oh and if you are thinking like the Vet, yes Jack is a girl. We knew that all along.

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Mike I am glad you got it worked out. And I am sure the cat thanks you. As for your dent... come babysit for me and I will do it. ;) JK I am so busy lately with the kids, trying to sell my house and buy a new one. It is hard to think of anything else. If you are home on a Tues, Weds, or Thurs. during the day call me. I lost your # when my phone wiped all my contacts a few weeks ago.

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