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Uh oh. Did any of you get some of this?


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Heck of a nice storm. My house is F'd but hey what else is new right? Wondering how long I have until my power lines are fully cut in two. There were about 50 birds sitting in our yard motionless, unable to fly. If you touched them they would awkwardly fly up about 6' and just land again. All of our neighbors came out and there yards were full of birds. Watched a stray cat run up on one about 8' from me and run off to devour it. Still waiting for the lines man to come and cut that limb away from the power line.

Who else got some of that storm?

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I was at martial arts last night and when the storm rolled through power went out. We were watching out the back door and saw no less than three transformers blow.

That, and lighting striking the light pole 15' from the door (sparks everywhere) made for an exciting night.

Hope your house isn't too f'd mike. :(

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Too me it looks like that tree snapping in half was your fault. Some spring time triming would have done you some good. I just love how people are always looking to blame Mother Nature when things like this happen. Guess what? If you don't change the oil in your vehicle the motor will blow. But don't go blaming Dodge or Ford or who ever the manufacture is.

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We were driving home last night from Cedar Park while on the toll road. It started with a few sprinkle and then started pouring. We couldn't even see the road. All we could see were dim lights blinking (cars with their flashers). Everyone was coming to a stop in the middle of the road. It was impossible to see. We finally got off the toll road and pulled under a bridge to wait it out. Pretty scary stuff. Meanwhile back home, it looked like we didn't get any rain.

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Clint I can never tell if you are joking. That is a enormous limb.

And it is 30' away from the house to boot. I guess the blown over stop sign in front of our house is the City''s fault for not wiping the dust off of it and our neighbors house that had their ROOF blown off, well let's just say their fridge isn't so clean inside.

All in all it is sad to see our best shade tree on the ground. Not sure where in heck I blamed anyone whatsoever for the destruction. Merely asked if anyone else got some of the fun. Our entire neighborhood looks as though a tornado went through, in fact they were saying we had tornado winds rip through the hood. I guess that since there are near 20 trees completely down on the ground and reports of near tornadoes in the hood, I should still take the blame for this.

Better yet, you all might get a kick out of this. I am having to replace all the locks on our house right now. The winds were so severe last night that our locks are full of sand and debri. you cannot get a key to even consider fitting into the tumblers. Oops, guess I should have oiled the hinges right?

Clint we go way back but man I don't know. Had I just said a tornado had hit my house would have gone a little lighter?

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Looks like you got some servere straight line winds. In Hays County near the Salt Lick we got a 1/4" of rain with some wind up to 50 MPH. Before the 1/4" rain the grass cracked when I would walk in the yard. Now it is just brown. One blessing is I havenot cut grass in three months. Before moving here in Febuary I was maintaining twenty acres in DeRidder, La. It would take two days to cut grass with a 5' bush hog. I am still thankful that I can put water in the reef tank. I wonder when "Big Brother" is going to fine me for using too much water.

Today was a little cooler than it has been for a while. As I drank coffee at 5AM it was 75 degrees on my patio. Pretty pleasant with a humidity of 35 percent. Two weeks ago I was at Port Fouchon, La. At 5 AM it was 80 degrees with 90% humidity. When you would walk outside, the glasses would fog up and you would start sweating. It was like a sauna. The British that I work with call that kind of weather "close". Go figure.

If you need help with the tree, I have a chain saw.


Pat Castille

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