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Tri-Color Wrasse Died


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This morning we found my tri-color wrasse dead this morning. He was in a bubble of clear mucus. (I believe wrasses are one of the kinds of fish that sleep in a mucus cocoon.) There was some webby looking stuff around the bubble, but I don't see anything that indicates that they contributed to Lightning's death. There were pieces missing from his body (like bites). I did add some halloween crabs recently (orange and black hermits). I don't know if one of them did anything to contribute or not. There have been other hermits in the tank since before the fish (red-legged and zebras).

I really liked this fish. I'm sad that he died. I'm not sure how to figure out if the new crabs (or anyone else in the tank) would pose a threat to the other fish, or to any new fish I might get.



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Sorry to hear of your loss :)

If the mucus cocoon looked mostly intact, I would doubt the hermits got to it. If you hadn't noticed anything odd about the wrasse in the prior days, I suspect it will just have to be marked as an unknown cause of death.

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