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My tank....well, soon to be, lol


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Okay so here goes.

I have: A 35G tank, that I need to reseal, my first attempt is ugly, some guys at work ( who work with glass, I work construction) suggested using blue tape to mask the silicone so my beads are prettier.

I have:94 lbs. of Portland I/II "low alkali" cement with a couple 50 lb. bags of crushed oyster shell. I plan on getting some Rubbermaid containers and Rock salt/water softener salt, to make the process of creating agrocrete go MUCH smoother than my first attempt. I did make some med. size pieces I am TOTALLY happy with. I am going to be making almost all the rock for my tank. I have not purchased a PH test kit yet (maybe after I pay rent)so I don't plan on dunk-curing these, just after I can get about 40-50 lbs. of rock I'm happy with. I PLAN on adding about 10 lbs. of live rock in with 30 or so lbs. agrocrete rock, and tossing in a dead shrimp in every couple of weeks to "encourage" beneficial bacteria growth into the agrocrete rock. This process will only start after I have EVERY piece of equipment/test kit is purchase, every leak test is performed, etc........

I wish I had a 55g tank and use my 30 as a sump, maybe someday.........I am probably going sump-less until I can get a donor tank for this purpose (glass, I am a romantic after all)

That's it, I have NOTHING else for the tank, except plans (sweet........ sweet plans *cackling evil-like*)

I plan on making my own protein skimmer, my own surface skimmer/HOB overflow/s, stand, retrofit T5 kit (till I can afford metal hallide retrofit), hood, and eventually after I have a couple years into it, calcium reactor so I can start on the Hard corals.

my basic plans are 2 clownfish, a/some hawkfish,(for my son....spoiled little brat messed up my lionfish idea, lol) few Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp, 2 harlequin shrimp (hopefully I can breed starfish in my sump to feed these little ********....until then no harlequins), a couple crown conch, a couple Nassarius Snails, along with the typical clean up crew, NO HERMITS..... I know this is a MUCH debated topic, I would prefer not to experience the dark side these babies seem to be labeled with.........

once I get a bigger tank, some Red Firefish, and a McCosker's Flasher Wrasse.

I am on a budget, so with that said, any tidbits on how to make my venture cheaper? Oh yeah I will be putting mushrooms, polyps, sps, lps, hard corals, feather dusters and whatnot into the tank AFTER I have a year or so experience. And metal Halides. I will not be getting Anemones at all (cept if my live rock comes w/ aptasia......then I have no choice but to have them)

Anyone see any flaws in my plans? suggestions and critique, along with donations:D are ALWAYS welcome, lol.

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Wow.. when you said DIY, you really meant it! :wave:

A few things I might throw out there. If you are going to cure your rock in the tank, you can skip the dead shrimp. I would suggest maybe just adding some of your clean up crew, and feed lightly (either pellet/flake or frozen) every couple of days. That should also kick start the biologic cycle.

In the size of tank you are looking at, probably only one candy cane pistol shrimp, as they tunnel long and far. Plus, hawkfish are predators of inverts, so it might not mix well with your plans of the pistol and harlequins.

And lastly, most conchs I think either get really big or are predators, with the notable exceptions of fighting/Tonga conchs.

Just my 2 cents ... but I must say, you are really planning this out, which is the exact way to do it!


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