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My LTA has had 2 mouths for several months now so I knew it would split eventually and last night it did! Woohoo!

Now I just need to get my GBTA's to split and I'll be set!


Congrats, now just keep that carpet from splitting :D.

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My gbta has an odd shape to it at the moment. It started off very round. Now it seems to have a slight figure 8 shape to it. I've been trying to get a look to see if there are two mouths. It's finally moved to a position where I might be able to tell.

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A previous GBTA I had never developed two mouths before splitting. It just split down the middle and when both healed, they both had mouths.

And congrats on the splitting Mark :lol:

hmm...still not sure if it's just growing, or wanting to split, but the shape is definitely changing.

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hmm...still not sure if it's just growing, or wanting to split, but the shape is definitely changing.

The two mouths is somewhat of an anomaly. None of my BTA's ever have two mouths, they just stretch out like chris', then one day split.

Chris-my 2 GBTA's have been stretched out for 3 months and no split yet, but its due time, so don't get too excited...they'll do it on their schedule!

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