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White Fungus Type spots on my clown

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I have a black clown and a oscoellaris clown fish. They both started out with a blurry white film on their body. One of them has developed ich like spots, except that they stick up off the body...doesn't look like ich...they look a little fuzzy. Any ideas on what this is? thank you.

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How's their appetite? Are they eating? Try to feed them more frequently but less amount of food. Also, keep your water parameters in check. When we first got our saddlebacks, the female had something similar on the fin and also (from the looks of it) like she was torn a bit on the bottom lip. Keep your water parameters in balance and if you have to, do a water change. Some folks recommend to add vitamin C and Garlic extract to their food (let it soak for an hour or so before feeding). Hope it makes it.

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I had a similar problem with my saifin tang. I continued to use the Garlic Xtreme and the VitC. I also added some KanaPlex to there food. Like Cindy said let it soak for an hour so the food can absorb the additieves. Took me about a month but the tang is fat dumb, and happy.

If they are still eating that is a good sign.

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Had a blurry white film on the tails of both my ocellaris last week. It was gone within 24 hours on each (hit male on one day, female the next). From what I've read it is natural for the clowns to slough off their oily coat sometimes, but mine never developed any spots like ich. Is there anything around their gills? Supposedly that is one of the first places parasites attack.

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