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kent nano-reef overdose

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I think I just killed my mantis. :| Last night before going to bed I added some of the kent nano-reef supplement I got at the meeting yesterday, but in my exhaustion mixed up my unit conversion and added about 3x as much as I should have. This morning the corals all looked ok, but my mantis shrimp was in her burrow upside down, not moving. I quickly did a 50% water change, but I think it was too late for her. She is currently in a bucket of freshly mixed saltwater, salinity and temp matched to the tank, but I don't think she's coming back.

Is there anything else I can do? Is a 50% change enough to keep from killing the corals in the tank? Too much? Interestingly enough the hermit crabs I have in there don't seem to be affected. The xenia and zoanthids have closed up since the water change, but the digitata and turbinaria are open.

I know this happens, but I'm really beating myself up over it.

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:| Sorry to hear about the loss of the mantis. I think you have basically done everything right since you figured out the problem. You could do smaller water changes on a daily basis for a while if you want, but since the corals and hermits seem to be doing ok, you might not have to.

I am surprised the mantis took a hit like that. Normally they are one tough buggers, but shrimp in general do seem to be more sensitive than say crabs.

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From my experiences with peacock mantis shrimp, they can be quite delicate when moved. If you have one you feel is not doing well, or is unresponsive, It is mho that you should just let them stay where they are, until you are certain it's life has expired. I believe it can do more harm than good in most situations. Of course, I do not have experience with other mantis species. but they are beautiful creatures, and it sucks to lose one.

Edited by KaceyJ
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