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Taking Pictures of Tank / Corals...Need Help

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I have tried taking decent pictures of my corals, but I can't seem to get the settings right on my camera. I cannot capture the true color of the corals. I would appreciate any tips on taking pictures of corals / tank. I have a Nikon D40X. All advice is truely appreciated. Thank you.

Edited by tate1
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White balance is the hardest thing about Aquarium photography and getting the right colors. My Nikon D200 will let you set the WB to 10,000K That is pretty close to most aquarium lights. Then using PS I will make minor adjustments if necessary. If you shoot in RAW it is much easier to adjust later, but you will need a program that reads a RAW file.

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  • 5 weeks later...

first make sure all pumps are off, i assume you do this but just thought i would say it anyway. 100mm lenses help A LOT!!!!!

what i like to do is go to zoaid and check out all the pictures that i really like and see what there camera settings are for that photo. It can give you a good starting point.

good luck.

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Listen to Jennifer(princer7). She helped me tons.

Quick tips:


pumps off

clean glass

shoot straight through to your subject, angles distort

a macro lens wont hurt(except your wallet), You can get good shots from the kit lens, it just takes more effort.

look at the histogram on the back to help fine tune your exposure

play around with GIMP/Photoshop/whatever picture editing software you have to see how to make the pics better.

Here is a link I used, and still do, to learn more about post processing and digital imaging in general:


practice, practice, practice

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