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yellow tent to my tank


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I noticed that other day that I have a yellowish tent to my tank. (everythig looks yellowish) I checked all of the levels, I am sistamatic with my water changes, I cleaned the glass to see if perhaps it was an algea bloom, basted all of the rocks to see if I had setiment on them. None of those seemed to have made any differance. I was just woderign if other people have experianced this and could lead me in th eright direction to correct it. Thank you everyone for all of the help that you offer on this forum. It would have been cotastrofic to get this tank going without the help of everyone here.

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You (or someone else) hasn't done a dose of Red Slime Remover in the tank recently? This turns the tank yellow. I am assuming not, since you are going to great lengths to find the cause.

I am kinda of at a loss also, with the only thought being a suspended algae bloom.

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I thought it might be the skimmer as well it is filling the cup everyday. I clean the cup at night, and the entire system once a week. I am new to the hobby so I may not know if it is working the way it should. As for dosing now red slime just the reef minerals kit and purple teck.

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I thought it might be the skimmer as well it is filling the cup everyday. I clean the cup at night, and the entire system once a week. I am new to the hobby so I may not know if it is working the way it should. As for dosing now red slime just the reef minerals kit and purple teck.

Try not to incorporate too many additives...... your tank is fairly new? How long has it been up and running? I think for now.... if you have a tang or have enough fish load in your tank, you don't need to feed your corals. Fish poop will feed the corals itself, if there's something in particular that needs to be fed daily, try target feeding w/ a pipette or tubing of some sort. Also shutdown the circulation until the coral/corals get their feeding. Then turn everything on and the skimmer do its job. You should be getting some skimmate (dark as ice tea or darker and foamy).

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yes I mean Tint. Sorry for the ebonics it got the best of me. I do turn everything off when I feed, and use a pipette. the crap that comes out of the skimmer is pretty dark. I also notice that the chamber right before the out-take is murky as well. I do not have any fish atm so I am spot feeding every three days. I am going to do a gully clean on my skimmer for the next few days and mess with the water/air ratio and see what that does.

Edited by thesanfords
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I have the ability, just not the money right now lol. I am thinking that a small bag of carbon might do the trick, in the skimmer of course. Would that do till I can get a reactor?

Might. I tried it that way and had no luck. got a $40 reactor including pump and 24 hrs later, phosphates were gone.

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Do you gt them at the LFS or online. I was expecting much more than $40 that I can probably swing. If I can't then I am in the wrong hobby lol.

Marinedepot. LFS didn't have it. Mine works great and now I put carbon in with the phosphate remover.

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I thought the same thing at first I am running a 175watt PC. They are maybe a month and a half old. I don't think that they could go out that fast could they? Everything at the moment is falling in line with the DOC theory. I am gonna try the phosphate reactor then move to other things. I have a 250watt MH that I could put on there, if it winds up being the lighting. I need to hold this tank long enough to get my 55 cycled and habitable then I will dive into the little one and clean the heck out of it.

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Not knowing your physical set-up, I will only make generalities. Since I have not used a protein skimmer for more than seven years, I have found carbon and essential element in the removal of tints as well as many other organic pollutants. My objection to the use of protein skimmers is that they effectively and indiscriminately remove a lot of the food chain that I want in my reef tanks. Carbon can be used at the same time as protein skimming. It can also be used with or without phosphate removing resins. While I use carbon 24/7 and replace small amounts each week, I do not use phosphate removing resins until they are required. IMO, phosphate in small amounts is a nutriant that both leathers and Xenia uptake, as well as, macro and micro algae. If I begain to see any cynobacteria, I add Phosphate resin.

With respect to the phosphate reactor, I made my own from 4" PVC and use it in my refugium/sump. The difference between using Phosphate or carbon in a reactor is the difference between active and passive chemical filtration. Both work, it depends on who you talk to.

Good reefing,


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