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Pics of my 65 gallon!


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Here it is:


Other pictures can be found on my flickr site.

It is a 65 gallon that will end up a reef tank in time. There is a acrylic 20ish gallon sump that takes up all the storage underneath. 2 koralia 4's, reef octopus skimmer, and a mag 5 return. The heater is a rena 150. The installation was rather easy minus the girlfriend mad that I took up most of her kitchen for awhile.

To do: Lighting and then the waiting begins until the nitrogen cycle has run its course.

Also I would like to thank all those who helped especially prof and beareef19 (from maast).





Edited by Kkiel02
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Added some more live rock and probably get around 10 more pounds tom. My ammonia has dropped so now just waiting on the nitrites. So far I have seen some pods, tube worms and a small snail. My girlfriend probably thinks I am crazy just sitting there staring at rocks.

I am getting some lights tom. so I will post some more pictures with more color hopefully!


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Looking good.

One thing I will mention is you might want to make sure you have enough room between the rocks and the sides of the glass to get in there and easily clean. I made the mistake in my 24g tank of putting the rocks to close to the sides, and had patches of algae that was real hard to clean.

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Ok well the aquarium is doing great! Added two snails and three hermits! Anyways I shot some new pics with a sd750 I got for my girlfriend back in august. Anyone else shoot with this and if so what settings do you use? I would like to get some real close pictures of the tube worms and hermits.

Here is the newer setup with more live rock and the pc's!


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