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Xenia not opening up for some reason :(


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Our xenia is not opening up after turning the lights off last night. They were fine all day yesterday and we have had the lights on since 9 this morning, but they still are not opening up. They are completely closed and look as if they are wilting. Any info or advice available would be greatly appreciated.


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First off, don't panic. Some of that is completely normal in the life stages of corals. If it was going on several days you might want to get worried.

One thing about Xenia is it smells wretched. If it even begins to die off you can smell it in the water. If your water begins to smell horrible then you might want to investigate further.

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Our xenia is not opening up after turning the lights off last night. They were fine all day yesterday and we have had the lights on since 9 this morning, but they still are not opening up. They are completely closed and look as if they are wilting. Any info or advice available would be greatly appreciated.


I agree, xenia is pretty hardy, sometimes it will look like its completely wilted but as long as you keep an eye on it, and you have good clean water and good temps, you should be fine. Sometimes mine closes if it gets too much light or not enough. Weird stuff

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Thank you guys for the quick replies. I will keep an eye on the for the next couple of days. I made the mistake of populating the tank to early so I think everythig is acting up due to the changeing of perameters. I hope they will hold out.

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Well I wanted to update everyone on the status. I lost one small colony of pompoms, and my royal grama got a wiff of it and took to the sand bed to prepare for her eternal trip through the city plumming. I am pretty bummed out about that, my wife took it pretty hard. My perameters havee leveled out, and have been stable for about the last three days after a 5% water change. The only thing that registered was Nitrite at 1.0 kind of worried about that. I am trying really hard not to buff everything cause I was told that your cycle will become dependant on it. My lorger colony of xenia are begining to show lofe again. They are not fully open but the are pulsing. I guess I am just going to have to continue to watch the levels and change the water frequantly untill the cycle goes through. The benifit to loseing the Grama is that there is not a huge bioload on the tank now. It still sucks though.

I learned the hard way that you can't rush life. It is better to wait than to force it.

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The only thing that is looking like it might be haveing trouble would be my zoas. They are opening just not faning out. Everything else is fine someone donated a sickly brain to me and it is opening up and extenting its feeding tenticles. The cardinal that I have in there is not huffing or sinking to the bottom of the tank. It seems to be just the xenia. I have checked the levels and have done 5% water changes weekly. I top off once or twice a week depending on the evaporation rate. The one thing that has been unstable is the teperature. I am haveing dificaulty keeping it at a stabel temp. during the day it will jump up to 83 and at night it will get own to 76. I moved my tank away from any outside wall and the air vents. I bought a brand new Theo 150 regulated heater and I am still haveing trouble. Could that effect the xenia and not anythign else?

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What other fish do you have in the tank? It might be possible a fish is bothering it. I read on another forum that someone had a Scopas Tang that loved to eat xenia... (which figures I just got a Scopas and xenia not to long ago....).

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The cardinal is the only fish that I have in there right now, as well as a banded shrimp. He climbs over everything from time to time but haven't noticed him picking at them. we had a royal gramma in there for awile but she flushed right around the time that the xenia start acting prissy.

That is the way of murphy, you find out about the troubles after the aquireing of something.

Edited by thesanfords
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I think I read somewhere that wild temp swings can cause pH fluctuations, but I'm not sure. Try taking a pH reading in the morning before the lights come on and then one before the lights go off and see if there is a difference.

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