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Sump Cleaning


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Doing my 'weekly' water changes.   I scrape the glass, and make sure everyone looks ok.  Typically, now I pump water out of and replace in the sump.   Change the filter socks, and maybe dose a potion or two.  

The initial sump chambers have some detritus, but the filter socks keep it way down.   I've not really bothered much to clean the sump.    Middle chamber where many would have a skimmer, I've filled with live rock.  It is way cleaner and there are hermits, snails, and stars in there.  (Stars breeding like crazy.)   I may start rehoming some of the stars and snails to the initial chambers and see if they can help me be the lazy reefer I dream to be. (Filter socks do a really good job.   Glad they are in here, pleasant surprise.)

How about y'all.  Do you bother cleaning the sump?     


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Very rarely.  I used to try to clean sumps but back in the 90s when I was doing cold calls to build my business mucky sumps did'nt seem to have a negative impact and it became less of a priority.  When "magic mud" started to be a fad I wondered where the carbonate muds came from.  It was a few years but this paper came out I stumbled across it chasing some rabbit down a rabbit hole.  After reading it and realizing "magic mud" was essentially composted fish poop I stopped making any effort to clean sumps or use filter socks.  I will very randomly clean some of the sand in a system as sand sometimes can get compacted and anaerobic but sand and sumps are only going to get a thoruogh cleaning if a system is moved.



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