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The Holy Grail at MACNA

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"More precise than manual testing methods". Yes, but more accurate????? I guess it doesn't matter, we really care about precision and stability of water quality for Alk, Ca, and Mg anyway. Neat-O! Looks pretty slick. I wonder how many times it'll need to be sent in for repair along with all the other Apex items that break every year :fool:

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the kicker is the 30-day expiry of re-agents.  i bet they would last longer if you made a little fridge to put this unit in :)

the isaac pricepoint....  $350-400 for the unit.  reagent 3-packs: $30.   ooorrr.... $200-250 for the unit and $50-60 for reagent 3-pack.

lets see how they price this out and fleece us :( 

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2 hours ago, Gig 'em @ NDstructible said:

"More precise than manual testing methods". Yes, but more accurate????? I guess it doesn't matter, we really care about precision and stability of water quality for Alk, Ca, and Mg anyway. Neat-O! Looks pretty slick. I wonder how many times it'll need to be sent in for repair along with all the other Apex items that break every year :fool:

I'm alwaayyyyys game for a good old test-off. 

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1 hour ago, Isaac said:

the kicker is the 30-day expiry of re-agents.  i bet they would last longer if you made a little fridge to put this unit in :)

the isaac pricepoint....  $350-400 for the unit.  reagent 3-packs: $30.   ooorrr.... $200-250 for the unit and $50-60 for reagent 3-pack.

lets see how they price this out and fleece us :(

The thing about reagents is that they are just chemicals. Chemicals that can be identified and sourced independently. 

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59 minutes ago, jolt said:

For those of us with a classic Apex, this device is a non-starter.  I stopped by and checked it out at the Neptune booth, and they told me it requires a new Apex.

Well jeez that's pretty lame! Who knows how many years it'll be until I upgrade to a new Apex. I still use my Reef Keeper from 2008 on my QT tank! Maybe by the time I'm due for a hardware upgrade all the kinks will be worked out and the price will have come down :thumbsup:

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There's no way that's legit. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that if you popped those things open that even *if* there was a significant computation power difference between the Apex720 and the classic, that it would in no way impact it's ability to accept trident input. 

It would be nice if we had a EE around here knowledgeable in the subject who could hold their feet to the fire. If anything, I would respect the honesty about planned obsolescence vs a white lie. Just say you cant continue to have evolution of features and still support an ever growing product line. anything other than what they said. 

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im willing to bet its just a firmware subroutine which checks your hardware revision.  i bet the base unit just receives numbers when the module is complete, not a steady stream of data to compute itself.

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Yuuuup. Totally agree. It just recieves alk = x ca = y, mg = z twice per day. There would be no reason to offload *any* computation to the apex itself, and even if there was, the computation for something like a spectrophotometer, or additional pH probe, or stepper motors to disburse acid or whatever are minimal. 

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the apex itself doesnt accept webapi input for "probes", only for changing the config or switch outlet status, but apex fusion does accept more stuff.   The main reason i went apex, was the LOCAL control of things.  I do not, and will not ever, rely on remote, cloud based, management of items.  yes, even for my z-wave and stuff, i hacked my wink to use local access if required. (if the hacks hadnt been out in the wild, i would have chosen something other than wink).  Imagine you invest thousands or dollars in a product which depends on a cloud solution, and the company goes bellyup... that investment is now dead.  call me paranoid, but eff that action.

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