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oh Lord i think i got bad Water can

saltwater snoopy

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anyone up north foster my grapefruit size anem before hes dead : ((( an i just did about 100 g between all my tanks, yep i got that sick feeling, thinking i was fixing another problem, i could be wrong but im thinking it the water got it fm a place close to me at same price an ask if it had chlorine, im not sure ill need to test it my other corals seem ok as do my to clowns, i hope im wrong an this is just the small o. d. of Algafix, because i did a 50 percent on all 3 tanks ugh should have my RODI unit by Monday, thanks guys im in Round Rock if anyone can help doctor the anemone

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one more thing, there is one other possibility i feed the nem a pc of good fresh food but buy the second pc it was too much an it purged it back out sense then hes not been doing well, ive been real careful about stuff, maybe trying to hard i didn't have much trouble at all with my 40 it cycled an stayed good for months, thanks again an sorry to bother you all

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Is it a BTA? What's it doing / look like?

Best bet for those is to leave them alone and see what happens. They're very hardy as far as anemones go and are fairly good at recovering from stress and damage, they often end up splitting if stress is the cause.

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thanks bud for the reply starting to feel like ive botherd everyone too much, if thats true sorry everyone just an excited new hobbyists, but i had over did my 100g with algaefix abit to much soon as i realize i did a waterchange on all tanks, but i put the nem back in the 100g as i know the water should be best out of all my tanks, but i had also gave him a piece of food i didnt think was too big gave him a second pc and 15 min later he purged it all up, hes lost alot of color an real stringy an looks bad hes found a spot mostly under a rock, been checking water temp he has medium flow im just leaving him alone no spot feeding, Really guys if ive bugged you all i Apologize, if not for the good people in ARC i would have a tank id still be looking at pictures, so thank you all for you info an help

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thanks bud for the reply starting to feel like ive botherd everyone too much, if thats true sorry everyone just an excited new hobbyists, but i had over did my 100g with algaefix abit to much soon as i realize i did a waterchange on all tanks, but i put the nem back in the 100g as i know the water should be best out of all my tanks, but i had also gave him a piece of food i didnt think was too big gave him a second pc and 15 min later he purged it all up, hes lost alot of color an real stringy an looks bad hes found a spot mostly under a rock, been checking water temp he has medium flow im just leaving him alone no spot feeding, Really guys if ive bugged you all i Apologize, if not for the good people in ARC i would have a tank id still be looking at pictures, so thank you all for you info an help

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I think people are just busy this time of year. I've been much less active the past year or so, but I don't see you or anyone posting so much that would cause people not to respond.

Anyway, I would just leave him be and keep the tank as stable as possible. They are pretty good at recovering but in my experience it often becomes a, the more you actively try to fix things, the worse off the end result.

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yes thats my thought as well, and i really hope that the case with the good folks at ARC, ive learned a ton from them an all been some of the kindest folks ive met, just good people, alot have help me, an im just greatful, thanks again have a great week

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Bad almost dead i think id been adding water that was filtered but i dont think it was RO I think it has chlorine in it and basically now I have to empty my tanks and start over i was able to save the very nice Flat head Duncan i bought at the meeting first sign i put it in my biocube i really love that coral and my two clown fish but lost 3 corals i think all my live rock will be o.k. once i get new water in i need about 75g for my 100g tank an 50g for my 45 an its sump if i can id like to change the biocube as well man i dont want to lose anymore my live rock should bouce back once the water is good it still has sponges on it

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Bad almost dead i think id been adding water that was filtered but i dont think it was RO I think it has chlorine in it and basically now I have to empty my tanks and start over i was able to save the very nice Flat head Duncan i bought at the meeting first sign i put it in my biocube i really love that coral and my two clown fish but lost 3 corals i think all my live rock will be o.k. once i get new water in i need about 75g for my 100g tank an 50g for my 45 an its sump if i can id like to change the biocube as well man i dont want to lose anymore my live rock should bouce back once the water is good it still has sponges on it

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A good thing to do if there's any chance you might have chlorine in your water is to keep some Prime or other dechlorinator handy. Just put a bit in any questionable water before adding and you're good. It's an easy way to be sure. Sorry you lost some coral, that's always such a bummer.
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Thanks yes your rt i should get a bottle, i went to Nekos because there close to me an to my surprise the place was empty wondering did they move or are they shut down bummer it was starting to look nicer an they had some great live rock come in an some show size soft corals at great prices i just didnt have my tanks ready nore the funds still been looking for work im able to do

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But im so glad that i got a top of the line RODI unit like brand new shape its the Aqua Fx 5stage i think its the one rt below there Great White model so im Really please so close to never lifting any water ever again i almost had to fold an sell it all off it was messing me up bad but glad i didnt quit, now ive got 100g w 40+ sump a 55g low lead cube a45 g tall 30gsump, an 29g bio cube lol too much none are perfect but 3 are wet n full

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But im so glad that i got a top of the line RODI unit like brand new shape its the Aqua Fx 5stage i think its the one rt below there Great White model so im Really please so close to never lifting any water ever again i almost had to fold an sell it all off it was messing me up bad but glad i didnt quit, now ive got 100g w 40+ sump a 55g low lead cube a45 g tall 30gsump, an 29g bio cube lol too much none are perfect but 3 are wet n full

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That's great news!
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Thanks i got these so i can more or less meditate on min meds when ive got bad head pain but there so far fm being anything to look at but ive got 80 percent of all the stuff i need to finish all 3 tanks so ill get there, why go through so much just one look at a club members tanks an its says it all great to watch anytime but if you have unavoidable down time it helps alot , cant wait to take it ez an enjoy a tank 1/4 as nice as the ones i see posted on ARC someday i hope soon to have at least one take 100 percent thanks for all the cool buildings pic fm you all an years of experience shared its great info have a great night everyone

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