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Will 3 Days of Darkness to Kill Cyano Hurt Clams?


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I've cut back on feeding and started running carbon 24/7 and ROWA Phos to reduce phosphate (now reading 0.00 on my Hanna checker). I've also been doing some 10-15% water changes every week or so. Hair algae in gone, but cyano came in it's wake. that has lessoned, but is persisting. When this happened a few years back I just did 3 days of darkness to kill it off. I recently added a maxima clam to my yank so was wondering if the 3 days of darkness would harm it.


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for just 3 days it should be ok in terms of light, but I'd be more worried about the die off of cyano. I'd make sure to keep a lot of flow and filtration to remove it from the water column, clams don't really like dirty water.

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Yeah, if you don't do something to kill or remove the cyano and the nutrients feeding it then it will just come back after the 3 days.

You can also try just reducing your light cycle rather than going all the way off.

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Depends how big the clam is. I did 3 days of lights out and had a small 3-4" clam die.

Clam was perfectly fine until i did lighta out

Probably not from the lack of light but rather from deteriorating water conditions during that time.

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understood. unfortunately I don't have an alternate location for it to reside:( It's in the 3"-4" size range and so far looks ok after the first 24 hours of the Chemiclean process. Hopefully it will be ok.

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understood. unfortunately I don't have an alternate location for it to reside:( It's in the 3"-4" size range and so far looks ok after the first 24 hours of the Chemiclean process. Hopefully it will be ok.

Yeah, that's why you should add extra filtration or do a 10-25% water change each day

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Hmmm. So you don't have to wait the 48 hours to do a water change? I thought that would maybe weaken the effect of the treatment. Maybe I'll do a quick 10% tonight then and then another 20% tomorrow morning at the end of the 48 hours.

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Hmmm. So you don't have to wait the 48 hours to do a water change? I thought that would maybe weaken the effect of the treatment. Maybe I'll do a quick 10% tonight then and then another 20% tomorrow morning at the end of the 48 hours.

No, in fact it does the opposite.

Cyano is growing because of light and nutrients in the tank. It forms mats when it grows. When you you do three days of darkness the bacteria mats will break up and enter the water column, as do the excess nutrients. This is the perfect time to remove them via a water change, with the added effect that it will help cleanse the water of all the gunk in it for your clam.

After the three days you'll want to look at reducing your light cycle or the intensity of it to deliver less light on a daily basis, as well as check to make sure you're not over feeding. This should help keep the cyano in check and from re-surging.

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I reduced my light cycle today, but I also realized just now (34 hours after Chemiclean traetment) that I forgot to turn off the carbon reactor. I hope that didn't prevent the Chemiclean from doing it's job. I don't see any visible die off of the cyano yet.

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