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4 gallon Biorb rock flower anemone garden

Peter Gott

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It's really hard to get the light balance right, much less the white balance, but here we go:




The water level's a little low right now. I'm still trying to figure out how to deal with the slow leak of water via capillary action out of the top where the water collecting on the underside of the plastic from evaporation and spray from bubbles bursting seeps out slowly, so I'm experimenting with different water levels.

Edited by Peter Gott
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That's so beautiful! How has it been to keep the glass clean? Have you done any water changes yet?

Thank you! [emoji5] I change about a third of the water every week, but I've also been replacing a little bit more do to the slow seep mentioned above; probably about 20 mL a day?

Once I got the balance right the glass was keeping itself pretty clean, with the aid of the CuC as well. Then I fed the nems last week, and they didn't like the food pellets and vomited them up in the night, so we had a bit of a phosphate peak the next day, resulting in more growth on the glass. This time the algae that grew on it was calcareous, and the stick-and-plastic took I had been using didn't work to get it all off. I got an official BiOrb magnet cleaner and it's decent, but hasn't gotten off a few smaller tougher patches still. That may be a problem in the future, if I go out of town or something, as it seems the lower nutrients make the harder algaes grow.

What's cool though is that even with the nutrients being low the system is pretty happy without being fed. There are periodic releases of something planktonic into the water column; you see tentacles moving to mouths with seemingly nothing on them all over the tank; and then look into the water closely and see tiny specks of something in the currents, more than usual. Plus the filter feeders have taken off. The nems have already grown, too, despite having only been fed once and puking half of that up anyways.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I haven't done any updates on this for a while, and that whole idea that rock flower anemones don't move isn't entirely accurate, lol. Every time I introduce a new nem, the rest of them rearrange! Plus I've added a few other pieces. One was a montipora, which I put in the spot that was too bright for any of my nems...or so I thought, since none of them would stay there! Of course as soon as I put an SPS up there, the nem which had heretofore been living entirely in the shade decided to relocate to the brightest spot in the tank and cozy up next to the monti. [emoji23]

Another beauty which has been in the shade decided to move to the center cave I had been trying to encourage him to be in. He kept moving back to my sympodium, snuggling up to them which I'm sure you can imagine thrilled them to no end. So I moved them to the center spot, and lo and behold, who should follow them but the nem I had originally wanted there?

Anyways here's a few shots:



And I love how this mushroom has taken over the corner that used to be for the Duncans. Of course, he's also winning the war against them, and has moved back to this spot to keep irritating them so many times I finally let him have it:


And here are a few closeups of the rainbow nems I got from my last cultivated reefs order:


Happy New Year's Eve everyone!!!

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About 10 cut nice out of 250 stones in about 1 an a half yrs took about 2 5g bucket of rough to fined the 10 but it would take me 3 to 6 mo to try an cut a stone everytime i tryed it messed me up to much scare tissue it the neck an back of the head, my folk were going to have a custom bench an have the machines set up custom ada but it was still too much still have all of it my grandparents owned a shop an new a few ppl that mined different stuff the bulk of it my mom has put up black opals all kind of nice stuff

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  • 3 weeks later...

So new update: Everything is doing great except the duncans, which I removed because something in there must've been engaged in some pretty targeted Duncan-chemical-warfare, and I'm pretty sure it was (surprisingly) a discosoma mushroom, because the closet it got to them, the worse they got...

Anyways I *thought* it was the discosoma, but now I'm not so sure, because apparently I have a mystery denizen. Something is digging a cave under one of my prominent pieces of live rock. I haven't been able to see what it is yet, and I've tried looking both at day and night and also shining a light in the cave. Whatever it is keeps tossing sand out though, in fairly large quantities, so I'm thinking it must be at minimum half an inch in size. It only appeared in the last couple of weeks, but it must've been here for longer, so perhaps whatever it is was bothering the duncans...?


Apologies for the terrible iPhone photo, but you can see the cave just below and to the right of that cespitularia. It isn't a usually-shaped burrow into a tunnel of a cave; it's an opening under the tip of the live rock that goes down and under it. I would be suspicious that it is even being made intentionally if I didn't see the sand being flung out of it daily. Well, that and the sand pile in front of it.

I haven't heard any pistol shrimp sounds; and nothing has attacked my three sexy shrimp; and all of my other coral and anemones are doing fine! Any ideas, anyone?

Edited by Peter Gott
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  • 1 month later...

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