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So.... which one of you all are going to buy this and sell me a frag?


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Haha, Adam put that one up to make fun of all the folks who sell photoshopped corals at outrageous prices. I laugh every time I see it ... Someone then sent him a photoshopped picture of a bottle of 'Unicorn Foal Batter' that was the secret ingredient to get such colors ...


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Lol! Everyone knows you don't have to kill a unicorn to make batter... They already throw up rainbows and poop out butterflies. Good timing is all you need.

He did do a good job poking fun! I've made the mistake of ordering photo shopped coral. I definitely appreciate his humor! ☺

Sent from Sissy's phone

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Lol! Everyone knows you don't have to kill a unicorn to make batter... They already throw up rainbows and poop out butterflies. Good timing is all you need.

Don't forget they cry out purple tangs.
[emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] I probably just laughed waaaay too hard!

Sent from Sissy's phone

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