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Out of town prep


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I've been battling a hair algea problem and attending to it daily to help keep it under control as much as possible. All my parameters are in check, new carbon, phosgaurd, daily scrubbing, skimming, turkey basting sand and rocks, hand picking out as much as possible out of sand, reduced lighting, you get the idea. It's also had a recent water change. Here is my concern: I'm leaving Friday morning and returning Monday afternoon/evening. What should I do to keep the algea from covering every surface? I don't think it would actually do that but, I worry.

Sent from Sissy's phone

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Thanks! Ok, I'll try to enjoy my trip...it'll be hard! It is Noah's first deep-sea fishing trip after all. How boring is that? Lol!

When I get back should I do anything to compensate or just get to it with some elbow grease and resume my schedule

Sent from Sissy's phone

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Thanks! Ok, I'll try to enjoy my trip...it'll be hard! It is Noah's first deep-sea fishing trip after all. How boring is that? Lol!

When I get back should I do anything to compensate or just get to it with some elbow grease and resume my schedule

Sent from Sissy's phone

Just resume your regularly scheduled program. Throw in an extra water change if you want.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: I stayed an extra day of vacation making it 4 days of no maintenance on the tank. Returned to find in total disbelief and shock: no hair algea!!! Ok, well, maybe a few tufts in the sand, but thats all! All my coral were open and beautiful, bigger than ever. Fish swimming, rbta happy and unmoved, all inverts alive and happy to see me. Complete and total shock and awe! I did have some blackish algea film on the sand in a few spots but I haven't checked parameters yet and my weekly water change is due. There was some green algea on the rocks, but not hair anyway. And not growing on coral or anything else. So overall a super yay surprise! cd004a2ec83bb284108f599af11c13a0.jpgYes, yes it is sitting in front of a window. I know that's part of the problem but hair algea was a problem before I moved it there. I'll move the tank away from the window soon, hopefully

Sent from Sissy's phone

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Good to see! Sometimes the best thing to do is let the system fix itself. Personally if the tank isn't getting any direct sunlight and you like the tank in that location I would leave it. If you are growing corals you will always have enough light for algae.

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