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Choppers 180


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Well I was advised to start a build thread, so here it is. I have more questions than an actual build at this point.

I did get a tank ordered, it is a undrilled 72 X 24 X 24. I was thinking of raising my stand from 30" to 34"-36" to give me more room in the sump area. Thoughts and suggestion on this are welcome.

Im going to go ahead and start ordering or go to LFS and start purchasing things and have questions about all of it. LFS sounds funny to me since its a good hour to the closest one lol

Need suggestions on the following, I will list what I was thinking of getting first, so let me know if this is ok or give me a better route to go.

Skimmer, Super Reef Octopus 3000 int or Skimz Monzter SM201
Heaters, Cobalt Neo Therm 150w X 2
Return Pump, Sicce Syncra Silent 5.0 (1321 gph)
Powerheads, Vortech MP40, Vortech MP10wQD or Tunze nano 6095

Lights, I would like to go all LED for this.....Arctic T247B X 3, Reefbreeders Photon 32-V2 X 2, Kessil A360W X 3

Sump, I have a 55g and a 30g, my plan is to cut the 30g up and use the glass for baffles.

Im really open to all suggestions and appreciate any help and pointers. At this point nothing is set in stone, this is just what Ive come up with doing all my research.

I know there is alot more that will need to be purchased, but this is where Im starting at and will get to the other things.

I also do plan to get a controller but havent done as much research on this yet. I like the Apex and the Reefkeeper so far.

I have also added more dry rock, a cpl 20 gal containers for ATO and I think (hopefuly) the rest of the pvc for plumbing.

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Hey Chopper, it looks like a really good start!

Can you say more about what kinds of fish/coral you want to keep? I don't see any plan for how you will maintain alkalinity and calcium levels for a high coral load, so just curious about that?

I like my stands at 34". With a 2' tall tank that puts the top rim at 58". For me that's the perfect viewing height, and it also does give more room inside the stand for taller items. But I am a little on the short side at 5' 8", I have taller friends who like their stands taller than I do ...

I have been very happy with my Reef Octopus skimmer, and I know others on the forum like their Skimz as well.

I think 300 watts of heater might be on the low side for a 180? You might want to rethink that one, check the sizing chart here:


You may also want to consider a larger return pump, especially if you are planning to have a manifold off of it to drive things like reactors. Remember you will lose some of the rated GPH depending on your plumbing (length of pipe, number of elbows, etc).

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I'm a fan of taller stands - I think mine is at 40". I used to hang pictures for a living (yes, that really is a job) and the center of the piece should be at 58", which is "average" eye level. That's a bit high for tanks imo, but just something to think about - if you're building something to look at, you want it to be at a comfortable viewing height, not always looking way down. My suggestion would be to use some painters tape and block out some mock ups on the wall to see what different heights would look like for you.

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I had the Skimz SM201 and I just purchased the Reef Octopus Regal 300INT. Leagues better for a large bio load than the Skimz. Ty runs the Reef Octopus 5000INT and can confirm the same!

The Skimz definitely has a smaller form and space factor so that would be the benefit depending on what space you have to work with.

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I had the Skimz SM201 and I just purchased the Reef Octopus Regal 300INT. Leagues better for a large bio load than the Skimz. Ty runs the Reef Octopus 3000INT and can confirm the same!

The Skimz definitely has a smaller form and space factor so that would be the benefit depending on what space you have to work with.

Reef Octopus SRO5000 Juiceman! It's like you don't even know me! [emoji12]

But yes, online ratings will paint the same picture as far as ratings numbers are concerned but the Skimz numbers are a little inflated in my opinion. They are great skimmers, well built in my opinion. Just decrease their ratings by 30% and it'll be more accurate.

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I had the Skimz SM201 and I just purchased the Reef Octopus Regal 300INT. Leagues better for a large bio load than the Skimz. Ty runs the Reef Octopus 3000INT and can confirm the same!

The Skimz definitely has a smaller form and space factor so that would be the benefit depending on what space you have to work with.

Reef Octopus SRO5000 Juiceman! It's like you don't even know me! [emoji12]

But yes, online ratings will paint the same picture as far as ratings numbers are concerned but the Skimz numbers are a little inflated in my opinion. They are great skimmers, well built in my opinion. Just decrease their ratings by 30% and it'll be more accurate.

It totally says 5000 on my post...... whistle.gif

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I had the Skimz SM201 and I just purchased the Reef Octopus Regal 300INT. Leagues better for a large bio load than the Skimz. Ty runs the Reef Octopus 3000INT and can confirm the same!

The Skimz definitely has a smaller form and space factor so that would be the benefit depending on what space you have to work with.

Reef Octopus SRO5000 Juiceman! It's like you don't even know me! [emoji12]

But yes, online ratings will paint the same picture as far as ratings numbers are concerned but the Skimz numbers are a little inflated in my opinion. They are great skimmers, well built in my opinion. Just decrease their ratings by 30% and it'll be more accurate.

It totally says 5000 on my post...... whistle.gif
Sucker! The internet forgets nothing! You can't change it in my reply unless you bribe one of the mods with a frag or two.
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I had the Skimz SM201 and I just purchased the Reef Octopus Regal 300INT. Leagues better for a large bio load than the Skimz. Ty runs the Reef Octopus 3000INT and can confirm the same!

The Skimz definitely has a smaller form and space factor so that would be the benefit depending on what space you have to work with.

Reef Octopus SRO5000 Juiceman! It's like you don't even know me! [emoji12]

But yes, online ratings will paint the same picture as far as ratings numbers are concerned but the Skimz numbers are a little inflated in my opinion. They are great skimmers, well built in my opinion. Just decrease their ratings by 30% and it'll be more accurate.

It totally says 5000 on my post...... whistle.gif
Sucker! The internet forgets nothing! You can't change it in my reply unless you bribe one of the mods with a frag or two.

I know.... you can see it in your quote! haha... I knew mine was the 300 so 3000 sounded better....!

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Stand height comes down to personal preference, the only real height requirement is making sure the skimmer fits and can move in and out of the sump for cleaning. I like my stands tall, I hate having to bend down to look into it which is why I went with a 4' stand.

While I think they make good skimmers, the support for the Skimz is pretty bad if anything ever breaks on it. I've been waiting for a part for more than 4 months and still don't know when I'm getting it. Personally I would go with the reef octopus.

For your tank size I would skip the MP10s, they just aren't going to move enough water unless you have a lot of them. MP40s and the Tunzes are great. I also like the Maxspect Gyres, and if you decide to go with an Apex, their WAV powerheads move tons of water too.

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Wow thanks for all the responses, just the kind of help I was looking for. Its been so long since Ive done this it is kind of daunting trying to pick out the best affordable equipment.

Jolt I am also 5'8 so making the stand a little taller will help with space under and gives me better viewing. I will have this in my home office room and do a lot of sitting so a stand of 36" would be better viewing most of the time.

I haven't put a skin on the outside of the stand yet so it wont be too bad to modify. I like the idea of 40" and the extra room, but being on the short side will make it a little harder to work on the tank I think.

My plan for the tank when I started doing all this research (about 6 months ago) was to go with SW and fish only. My wife and I have hit all the Austin stores and most of the Houston stores trying to get an idea of what we want to do

as well as ideas on the equipment needed. We both have come to the conclusion that we liked corals as well as the fish. So....after not as much research on corals and their care I don't have a plan for maintaining alk or calcium levels yet,

other than building a manifold so I can add the stuff to the sump. I think for the short term we will stick to a small amount of soft corals and maybe some LPS. I do like alot of the SPS but until I get comfortable with taking care of a SW

tank I will just go slow with the corals.

So it looks like Im good with the SRO 3000 skimmer, but need a bigger return pump, and more heaters. Looking a that chart I would need 4 at 150w? Sure seems like alot but what do I know lol

Would I be better off with a different bigger heater in a different brand and not as many like a 200w and 2 or 3 of those?

Hula, I like the Maxspect Gyres and they are actually on my list, I just didnt put it in my post. My guess is I would need 2 of those, say something like the XF 250 or a different one? I see some come with a controller, but would

I need that if Im planning on getting a Apex or reefkeeper?

As for the return pump what would you guys recommend? Im not stuck on the Sicce brand or anything, but would like a submersible.

Thank you all for the replies and help so far. I see no one touched the lights, I know that is a huge subject in itself, but I'll get back to it. I have enough to think about and purchase so far anyways.

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I agree on the heater, I think the neo therms just aren't targeted at larger aquariums. I bought two of the finnex titanium 300W units for my 180 build. These have a digital controller too, and I will plug them into my Apex for an extra safety on overheating.

A lot of people are moving to DC return pumps. Popular ones are the wavelines, and the ecotech vectras, among others. I'm running a vectra m1 on my 70 gallon frag tank and it's nice, but on the pricey side. I'm considering a vectra L1 for my 180 build.

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Thanks Jolt, I had looked at the finnex but wasnt sure how many watts of heater I needed.

Did you get the HMX or HMO model? They are both titanium and both have digital controllers.

I will have to look more into the return pumps. I had considered DC but you are right those vectras are pricey.

Id really like to get a submersible and put it in my sump but not break the bank at the same time.

I know return pumps are important, but I do have a wife I have to justify this to. lol

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Ty forgot to mention how tall he is in relation to his tank/stand height [emoji14]

As far as I'm aware he doesn't seem to mind working on the tank, but he also has a step ladder I believe? (Or maybe some stilts? Made out of those infamous chopsticks of his?)

Sorry, that's pretty much all I am good for in terms of contributing to your thread

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So it looks like Im good with the SRO 3000 skimmer, but need a bigger return pump, and more heaters. Looking a that chart I would need 4 at 150w? Sure seems like alot but what do I know lol

Would I be better off with a different bigger heater in a different brand and not as many like a 200w and 2 or 3 of those?

Hula, I like the Maxspect Gyres and they are actually on my list, I just didnt put it in my post. My guess is I would need 2 of those, say something like the XF 250 or a different one? I see some come with a controller, but would

I need that if Im planning on getting a Apex or reefkeeper?

As for the return pump what would you guys recommend? Im not stuck on the Sicce brand or anything, but would like a submersible.

Thank you all for the replies and help so far. I see no one touched the lights, I know that is a huge subject in itself, but I'll get back to it. I have enough to think about and purchase so far anyways.

I 2nd Jolt and would recommend the finnex heaters, I'd go with titanium ones which are good because they won't shatter when you drop them. Eheim Jagers are good too, but the higher wattage ones get pretty big. They used to have higher wattage Neotherm heaters, but they had a tendency of blowing up noexpression.gif

If you do go the Gyre route I would recommend having one on each side. I have an 8' tank with 150s on each side and they provide plenty of flow for my SPS dominated tank. To connect them to the Apex you have to get an Icecap Module for each one. I think they are $50 are so each. I know Maxspect have released new models (or will be soon) so I'm not quite up to date if they changed how they connect to an Apex on the newest models.

For the dollar the Gyres probably move the most water. Vortechs or Tunzes are great choices as well, but if you go SPS you will need more than two on a 7' tank.

Hard to go wrong with a Sicce pump if you don't want a DC pump. If I had to do it over again I would buy two cheap (jaebo or waveline) DC pumps. Use one and have one as backup. I have a Vectra L1 and have had to replace the controller board and it has an ongoing over-heating issue. I may be an outlier, but the premium price hasn't equaled reliability in my case.

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Ty forgot to mention how tall he is in relation to his tank/stand height [emoji14]

As far as I'm aware he doesn't seem to mind working on the tank, but he also has a step ladder I believe? (Or maybe some stilts? Made out of those infamous chopsticks of his?)

Sorry, that's pretty much all I am good for in terms of contributing to your thread

Sent from my SM-J700P using Tapatalk

I'm 6'4".... oh whoops... typo... 5'4". [emoji4] I utilitize a step stool and a nice pair of stainless steel surgical tongs to do work on the sandbed.

+3 on the titanium finnex heaters.

I have the Jaebo DCS12000 return pump, been using it over a year with no issues. I have a backup one just in case it goes out. I can almost buy 3.5 of these pumps for one Vectra so I went this route and don't regret it. No bells and whistles but does the job, DC pump so efficient, and been reliable so far.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to start building my sump and will be my first time to do so or even have a sump.

The tank is a 55 gal 48 x 12.8 x 21, the skimmer size is 14.8 X 10.25, the output is 6.5" and it says to have a sump water depth of 6 to 10"

I cut up an old 30 gallon tank to use the glass for baffles.

First chamber houses skimmer and output line from DT and is 15" with the flow going over the first baffle.

The second chamber is for the refugium and is 14" and the last chamber is for the return pump and is 13". I have a seperate tank for ato that I was going to put next to the tank next to the return section

and use the return section to pump ato in to.

The 3 baffles between the fuge and return are 2" apart and under over under with 2" under spacing.

Is this design right or ok and how tall do I make the baffles?

I have a picture that I drew with sketchup but I dont know how to post it here. It asks for a url but its on my pc. Do I have to use something like photobucket to post pictures?

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The design sounds like a good start, but a picture would definitely help. If you are using a regular web browser, click on "more Reply Options", then when the editor opens up click "choose files", then click "add to post"

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Thanks Jolt, I'll eventually get the hang of it.


The flow goes over the first baffle and then under over under on the 3 baffles which

are 2" apart and 2" off bottom.

Crude drawing I know, I just found this sketchup and its my first try at this.

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That looks pretty good to me. I prefer to run the skimmer downstream from the fuge rather than upstream so that the fuge sees the dirty water first. I don't know if it's actually better though.

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Yeah Ive seen it so many different ways its all just muddled in my head now lol

I settled on this way so the skimmer gets the dirty water and I wasnt planning on running socks.

I could always move it later since all of the sections could fit the skimmer this way.

The other thing Im not sure about is baffle height.

The skimmer says it needs 6-10" of water, so I could make the first baffle 12" and use a stand to adjust the skimmer?

The next set of baffles 14" with it 2" off bottom so 16" total height.

Middle baffle 11"

last baffle 14" with 2" off bottom, 16" total height.

That should leave me plenty of room for ato and back drain in the last section if power goes out?

Like I said, this is the first time Ive ever run a sump or made one so Im not sure on any of this.

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I tend to prefer higher water and then a skimmer stand. Just because this give more total water volume to the system, which helps maintain water chemistry balance better. Water height is going to be set by your tallest baffle if I understand what you are saying correctly

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