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This thing only comes out at night.


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I don't know what this is, it looks like algae. I first noticed it on the glass this past week and I've seen it one time since then. After looking at it very closely you can see it's very tiny tips extending and contracting. It is definitely not present during the day. Anyone know what it is? Maybe some sort of worm? I thought the snail ate it last time in the middle of the night. That's why it wasn't around and I thought it was algae of some sort, but now, after last night I do not think it is.


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I have seen spaghetti worms in my tanks before but they're much smaller and move around a lot more than this thing does. You almost wouldn't even notice that it moves if you don't stare at it for a good minute or so. It's very very slow. This morning when I checked it was not there anymore but I suspect this is because whatever it is has retracted. I also cannot find anything on the glass close to where it was and it showed up in the same place both times I've seen it. It's also a greenish/brown in color and the spaghetti worms I've seen look, as you said, orange or white. I'd say this thing when it's photo'd looks almost as big as my hand spread out.

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So I definitely think this is some kind of colony of worms that hang out together. I just checked and I cannot find them tonight but last night they were between one of my magrocks and the glass.... spread out huge again. I did find a few ~10 or so still there but their size is less than half of a dime. This definitely is not the entire "colony" like I took a picture of the other night. I don't know where they're hiding.

I did find some sort of slug/snail thing in my overflow for the DT. I tried to get him off the overflow slots to move him down into the tank and he wouldn't break loose. I didn't hurt it but I was very surprised at how fast this thing could move once it was disturbed. I've never seen a snail move this quickly. When I touched it, it had some sort of hard shell on it's back but it looked like a basic garden slug. I'm gonna go research what it was.

(edit: upon further research it appears it was a stomatella. They move fast, come out at night, and have a hard shell on their back. I had a feeling he went down the durso drain into the make-shift filter sock I have tied off to the drain outlet I used a media bag for because of it's porousness compared to actual filter socks. Sure enough he was in there and would have been stuck in there since it's tied off. I fished him out and let him go into the chaeto and got a closer look. Definitely a stomatella.)

I also cannot find any photos or any information on this colony of worms that seem to be living in the tank. They are about as thick as a hair and the one I took a photo of the other night had to have been comprised of hundreds of them. Very weird that they hang out together like that. You can also tell that they are not just one organism because there are many different strands that are not connected to eachother but they are all hanging out very closely together. I'll add more pictures when I get some more and maybe a video if I can find them again soon.

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They have all retreated to the sand. I will take another video sideways when I see them again. In a 2 hour time span this morning they went from stretched all the way across one side of my 34g cube to the sand so they move rather quickly. I can't believe i thought it was algae that got eaten by the snail the first night. Definitely not the case, they trucked off somewhere else.

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