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I hate being the new guy but I have found that forums and clubs are invaluable as resources and a great way to meet new like minded folks. I live in the country near La Grange with my wife and daughter. I had a 100g FW tank for years until it got cracked moving it, so I havent had a tank in 15 years or so. I decided about 6 months ago that I wanted to get another but go with SW this time. Ive always wanted a SW tank so here I am. I had initially planned for a FOWLR tank but after getting my wife interested in it we've decided to add corals as well, so Im back to the drawing board with the research.

I had located a guy in Houston who had a 72 X 24 X 24 pre drilled tank for a decent price. I talked to the guy and he promised to hold it for a week while I built a stand for it.(he had no stand) Well I built the stand for it, less than two days later and called him and he had sold it to someone else.

So now I have a stand and no tank, Ive just decided to order one and have it made the way I want.....to fit my stand of course lol

The only other things I have at the moment are

55g tank for sump/refug that I need to add baffles to

BRS 75g RO/DI unit

some dry live rock in various sizes.

2 large 55g rubbermaid cans for water and mixing, various pvc and connections.

I have many questions on other equipment but not sure if I should post that here or some other place in the forum.

Suggestions on places to order the tank and other equipment is welcomed and if I need to ask questions elsewhere, point me in the right way.

Anyways thanks for having me, I will try to use the search as best I can and not be a pitb with all my newb questions.

Also, how do I change my user name? I would rather have a nickname than use my own name.


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Welcome and sounds like you're off to a good start. Never fear to ask noob questions, it will save you time, money, and heat break. Plus we've all been there and all made plenty of mistakes.

Generally a good idea is to stat a "build" thread and document your build process. You'll notice that many of the users have links to their own build threads in their signature - that way you can get an idea of what that person may happen to know from experience. Plus it's fun to go look back at your build thread after a while and see how far your tank has come.

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Welcome! I'm having a new tank custom built too. This is just my opinion from shopping around for a starphire tank. Fish gallery make some great tanks but at a premium. If you go to River City Aquatics, they can get you a quote from Planet Aquariums. I been waiting 8 days for my quote. So far I'm liking Crystal Dynamics Aquariums from their pictures the tank looks great and price wise it's lower than Fish gallery (with shipping from CA to TX).

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