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RR/G-town municipal water


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Just a heads up... my DI is getting eaten up at a much higher rate (5x) the last week or so. I used to get about 1/8-1/5 canister per 10g. I'm now getting 1 full canister per 10g. TDS pre DI- 9!!!

I think with the higher heat the last couple weeks, they've had to up the chloramines for the holding tanks... one of the only things that might cause this and slip through the previous stages (carbon gets most of the chlorine)

So, just a heads up, monitor your TDS!

(ty, i dont think it was the Di regen experiment, but i threw the old stuff out anyways, start fresh!)

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FYI, unless you're using high grade carbon like the universal blocks that BRS sells or a Pentek, it is generally pretty useless at chloramine removal. You might get a few hundred gallons through even a dual series of no-name carbon block, but then the chloramine bleed sets in and starts to chew up your membrane, which is also not great at removing chloramine, and then lays waste to your DI resin.

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Just used a pool test on the tap... its got more chlorine than my neighbors pool does right now. guess the water change schedule will have to get extended until that comes back down, this is nuts.

...and the old carbon blocks smell like chlorine pool tablets.

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  • 4 months later...

Jonah Water is pretty bad too. They seem to randomly switch between high chloramine levels and insane chlorine.

I have a Whirlpool whole house filter which helps remove 90% of the chlorine so my BRS universal blocks last pretty long.

My TDS is normally 210-240 incoming, around 4 after the RO, before the DI resin.

My DI usually lasts about 120g or so, but I run 2 canisters so the first one getting depleted doesnt really have any affect on the output.

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