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ARC busy lately

Dan H

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I think C4 must have injected some adrenaline into ARC because it's certainly been busy the last few days.

I was trying to think of things that we should do to take advantage of the extra participation lately... Find new meeting topics? Perhaps have an "adult beverage" informal meeting? Attempt a tank tour again?

If nothing else it's good to be entertained again and have a nice distraction from work during the day.

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LOL!!! When we were in the Colosseum's "basement" she just walks up to the chain, and starts yelling out "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!" while holding her umbrella like a sword. Our tour group was cracking up.

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Potential meeting topics:

* Sump and cabinet organization tips and tricks.

* Disaster recover - what things to have on hand, what chemicals could be used to get things back in line, etc.

* Meeting for just frag swapping only with no speakers.... find a place where a communal frag tank with reserved frag spots could be placed.

* Creating things out of glass or acrylic... we could potentially have someone knowledgeable in the subject build a small sump during the meeting that doesn't look tacky (as Pham described some homemade sumps smile.png)

* DIY plumbing, what bulkheads to select, how to properly cut pvc straight, what to do, what not to do, different overflow types, etc.

* Discussion on how to keep certain corals together and/or fish. Which fish require a covered tank, which corals can grow closely together without fighting, etc.

* How to not become reef addicted 101, for instance I've already acquired more stuff than I can use. I have empty aquariums sitting on my living room floor right now that I'm "trying" to find a need for along with way too many power heads, etc. It'd be good for beginners to have a guideline on what is absolutely needed and what is not to get started.

Just spitballing here. I know many of these things can be researched online but if you learn like I do hands on is best. Having someone to ask questions to and see it made in person would be great. The first ARC meeting I attended was the how to frag corals @ Just Reef. I thought it was great to see the crowd participation as everyone wanted to try their hand at using the Gryphon saw.

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That's what I'm looking for. Great suggestions. I agree that we need more hands on topics... Also, and perhaps more importantly, I'd like for people that are fairly new in the hobby to suggest ideas. Many of the "veterans" forget what it's like when first starting out, and there are certainly a lot of questions or topics that noobs would really want to know, but aren't necessarily "advanced" topics...

I thought about having a straight up Q&A only meeting with no specific topic, but I suspect that would be easy to spend a LOT of time going down the wormhole.

I know Photography was definitely a desired topic, perhaps that is still of interest? That could be hands on... Basically say bring your camera and computer and we'll all try taking pictures of the same things and see how they come out differently. See how filters work, manual settings on SLR's, etc...

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I was also thinking we should do a summary of new members that join each month, with link to their user profile page. This would let us give a shout out to everyone new to recognize them and introduce them to the gang.

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I LOVE EVERYTHING!!! As a newbie I can benefit from all of it. I really like the idea of tank recovery since that's what I constantly struggled with last time and scares me to death now. I'm almost positive that's what's holding me back. I'm actually content with an empty tank. How sad is that!

The photography is a great idea. That could even be a 2 parter, if reasonable. But that's my thing so I'm probably a little biased ;)

Y'all have created a wonderful forum and should be proud. Great work guys and gals! Keep it up

[emoji1] [emoji122]

Sent from Sissy's phone she's fed up with

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im too tired to think and read too much... but what i skimmed looked good (lotsa detail flux!). What i'd LOVE for us to be able to do is setup a coral directory or sorts. you upload a pict, if you dont know the name, someone else can add a name to it, etc. We can call it Cinder... coral tinder? we can put in more details, alternate pictures, people can add reviews and how they survived/died in their tanks, etc. Many vendor sites already have this, but ts not "interactive." I think this would spawn lots of good "real" ARC talk. Would even be beneficial for newbies and oldfarts!

..crap, I just made a whole bunch of coding work for myself. Any AJAX coders out there ping me pls :)

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That's what I'm looking for. Great suggestions. I agree that we need more hands on topics... Also, and perhaps more importantly, I'd like for people that are fairly new in the hobby to suggest ideas. Many of the "veterans" forget what it's like when first starting out, and there are certainly a lot of questions or topics that noobs would really want to know, but aren't necessarily "advanced" topics...

I thought about having a straight up Q&A only meeting with no specific topic, but I suspect that would be easy to spend a LOT of time going down the wormhole.

I know Photography was definitely a desired topic, perhaps that is still of interest? That could be hands on... Basically say bring your camera and computer and we'll all try taking pictures of the same things and see how they come out differently. See how filters work, manual settings on SLR's, etc...

As far as the photo thing I have a selfie printer where I can print quality photos from an SD card. It's compact and operates with a plug in cord. It's not super quick since it applies the color in layers but I'd be more than happy to bring it so we can see the pics printed professionally

Sent from Sissy's phone she's fed up with

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im too tired to think and read too much... but what i skimmed looked good (lotsa detail flux!). What i'd LOVE for us to be able to do is setup a coral directory or sorts. you upload a pict, if you dont know the name, someone else can add a name to it, etc. We can call it Cinder... coral tinder? we can put in more details, alternate pictures, people can add reviews and how they survived/died in their tanks, etc. Many vendor sites already have this, but ts not "interactive." I think this would spawn lots of good "real" ARC talk. Would even be beneficial for newbies and oldfarts!

We have a Resources section (http://www.austinreefclub.com/page/FAQ) suited to this, I've wanted to add a "Critterpedia" to it for a while. Members would post pics of what they have, we would identify it, add facts, and have a list of everyone in the club who has grown it and what they know about it.

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