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Sissy's 20 gal L.... for Noah


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I almost quit... already! I decided I didn't like the aqua scape so I took it apart. I tried for the better part of an entire day to create another. I got so mad I decided I just didn't want to do this all over. I quit. The tank sat there for a week and then I thought "this is for Noah." (He's 10 next week & wants to be a marine biologist.) I fiddled around, this time uninterrupted, and put together one I like. I plan on keeping mostly inverts (thoes are his favorite, other than colossal squid & megaladon), and a pair of clowns.

Here's the big question...

I know some people prefer SPS or LPS one over the other.

What influenced your decision???


The water is low because one of the 5gal jugs of saltwater fell over IN MY CAR and I haven't had a chance to get more. I'll move the power head to a more inconspicuous location too

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SPS are as a general rule harder to keep. There are easier to keep SPS and harder to keep LPS. You will need brighter lights (and in the correct spectrum) but a 70$ chinese blackbox led will give enough. If you pick hearty species you can pull off a mixed reef. My tank is a 20 gallon and I have softies, lps and sps.

Just take it slow, let the tank cycle. And get 2 five gallon containers with screw on lids, I did after the third time a water cooler bottle fell in my car.

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To me, it's a matter of a few things. First, I just generally find the SPS more appealing to look at. There are some amazing LPS, don't get me wrong, but overall I just love the look of SPS - specifically the branching SPS. Secondly, I like the idea of trying to recreate what I've seen in the ocean - the reef building corals. Yes, LPS do help build the reef, but generally it's the SPS that really create the massive reefs. There's something amazing when you are diving and come across a table Acro that is about 25 feet in diameter, or a staghorn that rises from the floor of the ocean to the surface 20 feet above. And of course, as others have mentioned, the SPS can generally be more challenging, and I always like to challenge myself.

All of that being said, the basic rule Meg and I have is we want to buy beautiful corals - it really doesn't matter what type. We just enjoy looking at a beautiful tank knowing that we helped to create it. It's soothing and rewarding in many ways.

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I'm a noobie. My tank has been up little over a year so I like LPS bc I'm not as knowledgable or experienced yet to be able to keep SPS alive. And I also like the movement of the LPS. I WILL have SPS one day. [emoji123][emoji4] I Jst keep trying to learn everyday and lean heavily on these great ppl in these clubs.

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SPS are as a general rule harder to keep. There are easier to keep SPS and harder to keep LPS. You will need brighter lights (and in the correct spectrum) but a 70$ chinese blackbox led will give enough. If you pick hearty species you can pull off a mixed reef. My tank is a 20 gallon and I have softies, lps and sps.

Just take it slow, let the tank cycle. And get 2 five gallon containers with screw on lids, I did after the third time a water cooler bottle fell in my car.

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The tank has been cycled for a few weeks but I am going to wait quite a while before introducing any coral. I'm taking my time with this one. ☺

I have 6 jugs with lids, (I just broke down a 90 gal), but for some reason the cap to the jug I took to the dome wasn't on it and I sent my kiddo to get the jug and he didn't look for it. I didn't know it didn't have a cap till after they filled it up. I found the lid the next day. In the back seat. Uggggg.

Thanks for the lighting tip!

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SPS are as a general rule harder to keep. There are easier to keep SPS and harder to keep LPS. You will need brighter lights (and in the correct spectrum) but a 70$ chinese blackbox led will give enough. If you pick hearty species you can pull off a mixed reef. My tank is a 20 gallon and I have softies, lps and sps.

Just take it slow, let the tank cycle. And get 2 five gallon containers with screw on lids, I did after the third time a water cooler bottle fell in my car.

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I forgot to mention the jugs I have I got at a LFS, with screw on lids ☺

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I would be happy to donate a couple small frags to the tank when your ready. I think its great you're pulling this together for your kid to support his interest and future. The only catch is I am in S. Austin, Oak Hill area. If it works out I will be traveling north the weekend of the 9/17 and could try to meet up with y'all to drop off the frags.

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That is so generous of you! I really appreciate the help and support. Noah was so upset when I broke down my 90gal. Like you said, I want to encourage him, plus I love the hobby as well .

My tank will have been cycled for a month and a half at that point. Will that be long enough to add coral? I haven't added the clowns yet either. I'm so scared. I currently have a couple of hermits I feed algea tabs. I just don't want to ruin this one. Let me know what you (or anyone else reading) think.

Thank you again!

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I would be happy to donate a couple small frags to the tank when your ready. I think its great you're pulling this together for your kid to support his interest and future. The only catch is I am in S. Austin, Oak Hill area. If it works out I will be traveling north the weekend of the 9/17 and could try to meet up with y'all to drop off the frags.

I accidentally posted to the thread instead of replying to you. Still getting the hang of this

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That is so generous of you! I really appreciate the help and support. Noah was so upset when I broke down my 90gal. Like you said, I want to encourage him, plus I love the hobby as well .

My tank will have been cycled for a month and a half at that point. Will that be long enough to add coral? I haven't added the clowns yet either. I'm so scared. I currently have a couple of hermits I feed algea tabs. I just don't want to ruin this one. Let me know what you (or anyone else reading) think.

Thank you again!

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I think you will get a lot of opinions on the right time to add coral or fish. Has your tank cycled yet (had an algae bloom)? As long as your water parameters are ok and not having big swings I think you will be fine. The corals I have are hearty and are good to start with. If you they die, they didn't cost you anything. As for the Clowns you should go ahead and get them. They will help with the processing of the tank. Issues are always manageable with time and effort. When I started this hobby I was in a 10g tank, everything I kept strived, water changes were easy because it was such a small volume. I think you should look forward to adding livestock and not worry about it. Start with inexpensive items so you don't get burned out because of the expense. My only suggestion is to not add a lot to the tank at once, try to collect a piece at a time until you get a hang of it. Coral will not have much of an impact on water quality but adding several fish at once can. They all eat and they all poop. I would also suggest some kind of shrimp to help with cleaning the tank and consuming dietrius and un-eaten food.

Looking at the image you provided I do not see a protein skimmer or a water top off. Those two items can be a game changer. Evaporation can be your biggest enemy. Im pretty sure you can find a small skimmer for your tank for not a lot of $

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Thanks for all the advise. I haven't had an algea bloom yet. Parameters are holding steady though. I need to top off the water and I'll definitely get the 2 items you suggested. I feel silly asking but once the algea bloom occurs, what do I do? Water change?

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Noah and I had a blast at C4!

I didn't get any coral but I have an idea of what I like [emoji4] I got a light there then afterwards went to LFS and got my skimmer, auto top off, and water. Still waiting on the algea bloom. I'll hook it all up and let it run for a week (???) And then get me a couple of clowns! I'm so psyched!

[emoji2] [emoji223]

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Scape looks great! I lean LPS, for the flow/bounce/texture/ease of care(ish), but my tank is mixed.

That quilt/towel underneath the tank may not be the best idea. I'm guessing you put it there to protect the wood, but it's going to soak and hold every drop that gets spilled.

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Scape looks great! I lean LPS, for the flow/bounce/texture/ease of care(ish), but my tank is mixed.

That quilt/towel underneath the tank may not be the best idea. I'm guessing you put it there to protect the wood, but it's going to soak and hold every drop that gets spilled.

Thanks! I couldn't get happy with the scape. At one point I took all the rock out turned off the filter and let it sit for at least a week. (I put the rocks in my old half drained tank so they wouldn't die) I was so frustrated. But I got back at it, with a few wine coolers and an empty house and about 4 hours later I settled on this. Is it me or is small harder to scape?

I did think about the towl thing. But I think it's pretty and the table is replaceable, right?


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If you want to protect the table, put several coats of this on it: http://www.minwax.com/wood-products/specialty-finishes/minwax-paste-finishing-wax about $10 and some elbow grease will go a long way.

I use a towel under my 20gal long QT that goes on my dining room table, but under that, I use painters tape to seal a couple sheets of wax paper. After 2 months, that towel is stiff w/ salt, but it all gets cleaned up and put away after fish are added to the main tank.

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If you want to protect the table, put several coats of this on it: http://www.minwax.com/wood-products/specialty-finishes/minwax-paste-finishing-wax about $10 and some elbow grease will go a long way.

I use a towel under my 20gal long QT that goes on my dining room table, but under that, I use painters tape to seal a couple sheets of wax paper. After 2 months, that towel is stiff w/ salt, but it all gets cleaned up and put away after fish are added to the main tank.

Hmm. Wax paper... good idea. I don't care too much about the table. It's a nice one, but I'm actually not attached to anything that much. I realized I worried too much about stuff. I was driving myself crazy. At some point is just said "screw it". I don't abuse them and I don't let anyone else, I just don't form attachments. But I guess it would be abuse to knowingly let the table rot.


Thanks for all the advise and suggestions. I'll get my Lovey to help.


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That wax is greatness. It's what I used on my build and it's held up amazingly. The top/pretty/edge piece: http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/36054-bobcats-75gal-first-reef-build/?p=292967

Oh wow! That came out beautifully! I don't think I could finnish my whole table though. It's a teak buffet table. I think I just need to invest in a stand exclusively for the tank. Any suggestions where to look? I know Craigslist and especially here are good places to look. But I do have a budget now

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Indeed it has! I'm finally inspired.. look what I did!!!


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I love it, think it looks awesome. To answer your question aquascaping anything is a pain in the butt lol big or small! I think we all have this vision in our head and get frustrated when the pieces don't fit together like we want them to (well at least I do) then you stand there saying why doesn't this fit, it looks like it should fit like a glove!!!!!! I've actually changed my aquascape like 5 times in my 180. I think I have a problem and need help lol 5th times the charm, I'm finally content with it (well for now) haha
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Indeed it has! I'm finally inspired.. look what I did!!!


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I love it, think it looks awesome. To answer your question aquascaping anything is a pain in the butt lol big or small! I think we all have this vision in our head and get frustrated when the pieces don't fit together like we want them to (well at least I do) then you stand there saying why doesn't this fit, it looks like it should fit like a glove!!!!!! I've actually changed my aquascape like 5 times in my 180. I think I have a problem and need help lol 5th times the charm, I'm finally content with it (well for now) haha
I feel better now lol. The worst part was when I was finally happy my husband comes home and says "is *that* what you want?" I had a momentary flash of drowning him in the tank. But he must seen it on my face because he quickly took it back then ducked away out the back door.

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