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I'm out too.


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Later guys and girls, I am glad to have met those that I did here and hope to remain friends with them for a long time.

Playing whack-a-mole on posts by bonking the report button when someone is rude just isn't really something I'm interested in doing. I've run a highly technical forum of my own since 2005.... all of the members get along there and we foster the growth and learning of new people. I hope that some of you can get off your soap boxes and learn to level with those less experienced than you in the future without being condescending.

Take care everyone and I'm fine with this thread being locked and my account being removed from this forum.

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To each his own. I on the other hand have not found a more helpful encouraging group of people in this business...As you all know we will all hit a point eventually where we are ready to throw in the towel. This group is the only reason I am still in this hobby. I have had members send me their phone numbers and tell me to call them just to help me fix a problem I'm having. All but a couple people in this group are not in it for the money, they really do want to spread the reefing community and keep people into the hobby. I got all my coral from this site...and have never paid an unreasonable price. Even got free coral from a meeting that I love! I came into this group with no experience other than a "youtube university bachelors degree" and had it not been for this group I would not have even got my tank set up correctly. Your problem sounds like an easy fix...Dont be rude. Treat people with respect and you might get it back, if not...brush it off. Your never going to get along with everyone. I wake up every morning and see my tank and know all the hard work, heartbreak, learning curves, and $$$ have paid off. Thank you Austin Reefers for keeping me in the hobby. I have met some genuine people and cant wait to meet more...See yall at C4!!

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Sorry to hear that. I sure hope I didn't play the role of one of those "condescending" members! If I came off that way I sure apologize and I don't mean to. I know the way my words come out on a screen can sometimes seem that way and it's easy for all of us to misinterpret the tone of text, but I've always tried to remain light hearted and playful in my diction even if it comes off as snarky at times. I think a lot of us try and be sarcastic or funny and it comes across as rude on the interwebs. I try and keep myself humble in this hobby and admit when I don't know the answer, but I truly apologize if I ever came off as all-knowing or rude. [emoji17]

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Sorry to hear that. I sure hope I didn't play the role of one of those "condescending" members! If I came off that way I sure apologize and I don't mean to. I know the way my words come out on a screen can sometimes seem that way and it's easy for all of us to misinterpret the tone of text, but I've always tried to remain light hearted and playful in my diction even if it comes off as snarky at times. I think a lot of us try and be sarcastic or funny and it comes across as rude on the interwebs. I try and keep myself humble in this hobby and admit when I don't know the answer, but I truly apologize if I ever came off as all-knowing or rude. [emoji17]

So true. There is no tone of voice in text...makes it hard to distinguish between sarcasm and rudeness.

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I know I've been at this for a long time on the forums, 2007 was when I joined ARC. I've had a wonderful experience on here during that almost decade span, progressing from a 3 year nano cube/softie tank owner doing regular water changes weekly to a 215-gallon SPS-dominant, no water change, throw whatever technology I could at it reef tank owner.

During that progression, I've had many insightful, thoughtful, and truly engaging interactions with members on this club in person, online, and even with a beer in my hand. A large majority of the members have become close friends over the years and I talk and interact with them more than I do my "regular" friends... you know... those that are handicapped without a reef tank so untimately have nothing interesting to say. [emoji23]

The club is like anything else in life, what you make of it. Have I had some bad interactions on it over the years? Yes. Have I had great interactions as well? Absolutely!

The key for me at least was to focus on the good interactions. I don't let the bad experiences define what I wanted the club to be for me. On that note, if I had received the responses received in that other thread in 2007 when I first joined, to be honest, I probably wouldn't be here today. Just being honest.

These two recent posts of new members leaving because of the atmosphere on ARC has caused some self-reflection. I can honestly say my normally jovial attitude is in need of a tuning and I know I can make more of an effort to chat with new faces at the monthly meetings. I'll also be more careful of my tone in posts and aim to just help out instead of just having a know-it-all attitude.

I'll make this my promise for the rest of 2016. Thank you for the moment of self-reflection. No promises for 2017 though. [emoji12] Bwahahaha!

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I know I've been at this for a long time on the forums, 2007 was when I joined ARC. I've had a wonderful experience on here during that almost decade span, progressing from a 3 year nano cube/softie tank owner doing regular water changes weekly to a 215-gallon SPS-dominant, no water change, throw whatever technology I could at it reef tank owner.

During that progression, I've had many insightful, thoughtful, and truly engaging interactions with members on this club in person, online, and even with a beer in my hand. A large majority of the members have become close friends over the years and I talk and interact with them more than I do my "regular" friends... you know... those that are handicapped without a reef tank so untimately have nothing interesting to say. [emoji23]

The club is like anything else in life, what you make of it. Have I had some bad interactions on it over the years? Yes. Have I had great interactions as well? Absolutely!

The key for me at least was to focus on the good interactions. I don't let the bad experiences define what I wanted the club to be for me. On that note, if I had received the responses received in that other thread in 2007 when I first joined, to be honest, I probably wouldn't be here today. Just being honest.

These two recent posts of new members leaving because of the atmosphere on ARC has caused some self-reflection. I can honestly say my normally jovial attitude is in need of a tuning and I know I can make more of an effort to chat with new faces at the monthly meetings. I'll also be more careful of my tone in posts and aim to just help out instead of just having a know-it-all attitude.

I'll make this my promise for the rest of 2016. Thank you for the moment of self-reflection. No promises for 2017 though. [emoji12] Bwahahaha!

Ty, Self reflection is always good. We all have room for improvement. However IMO this group wouldn't be the same without you. You are instrumental in the preservation of the Austin reefing community. I have greatly appreciated all your help!! TY TY haha!

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I personally think Ty IS the reason this person is leaving, and if I had a vote I think he should be booted, I've never met a less helpful, less concerned individual in my life! All in favor say I.... Okay, I'm sure you all know I am kidding. I've dabbled in this hobby now for over 20 years, more off than on over the years, and since I joined ARC, I have had some great experiences, and everyone has been very willing to help (except Ty devil.gif ), Being direct advise, ideas, or just a set of hands in helping me move tanks, this has truly been a fantastic experience and group. Sorry that you had the experience you've had FluxCapacitor, I'm not sure what caused that for you, but it has been the absolute opposite for me.

Best of luck.

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I personally think Ty IS the reason this person is leaving, and if I had a vote I think he should be booted, I've never met a less helpful, less concerned individual in my life! All in favor say I.... Okay, I'm sure you all know I am kidding. I've dabbled in this hobby now for over 20 years, more off than on over the years, and since I joined ARC, I have had some great experiences, and everyone has been very willing to help (except Ty devil.gif ), Being direct advise, ideas, or just a set of hands in helping me move tanks, this has truly been a fantastic experience and group. Sorry that you had the experience you've had FluxCapacitor, I'm not sure what caused that for you, but it has been the absolute opposite for me.

Best of luck.

and everyone has been very willing to help (except Ty devil.gif )

Here is one of those examples of sarcasm or just being rude....lol

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:) Not sure I've met you cliff, and I assume the "lol" indicates you understand I was totally in jest, but just in case, I consider Ty a friend, and a very valuable member here on ARC. And yes, I do use a little sarcasm from time to time. biggrin.png

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Im sure we have seen each other around...I was about 90% sure you were being sarcastic haha! probably good you cleared it up for page thumbsup.gif

That better be sarcasm SChrisEV or I'm going to call the new home build salesperson and tell them you've change your mind about the fish tank equipment room. No no, just wall it in. Actually, he said he doesn't even need plumbing anywhere close to his tank so go ahead and remove these water lines and maybe even these electrical outlets too... devil.gif

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I know I've been at this for a long time on the forums, 2007 was when I joined ARC. I've had a wonderful experience on here during that almost decade span, progressing from a 3 year nano cube/softie tank owner doing regular water changes weekly to a 215-gallon SPS-dominant, no water change, throw whatever technology I could at it reef tank owner.

During that progression, I've had many insightful, thoughtful, and truly engaging interactions with members on this club in person, online, and even with a beer in my hand. A large majority of the members have become close friends over the years and I talk and interact with them more than I do my "regular" friends... you know... those that are handicapped without a reef tank so untimately have nothing interesting to say. [emoji23]

The club is like anything else in life, what you make of it. Have I had some bad interactions on it over the years? Yes. Have I had great interactions as well? Absolutely!

The key for me at least was to focus on the good interactions. I don't let the bad experiences define what I wanted the club to be for me. On that note, if I had received the responses received in that other thread in 2007 when I first joined, to be honest, I probably wouldn't be here today. Just being honest.

These two recent posts of new members leaving because of the atmosphere on ARC has caused some self-reflection. I can honestly say my normally jovial attitude is in need of a tuning and I know I can make more of an effort to chat with new faces at the monthly meetings. I'll also be more careful of my tone in posts and aim to just help out instead of just having a know-it-all attitude.

I'll make this my promise for the rest of 2016. Thank you for the moment of self-reflection. No promises for 2017 though. [emoji12] Bwahahaha!

Ty, Self reflection is always good. We all have room for improvement. However IMO this group wouldn't be the same without you. You are instrumental in the preservation of the Austin reefing community. I have greatly appreciated all your help!! TY TY haha!

Thanks for the kind words Cliff! I always get a little confused when people use TY... not sure if they are saying "Thank you" or screaming my name. I like to think the latter... shifty.gif

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Im sure we have seen each other around...I was about 90% sure you were being sarcastic haha! probably good you cleared it up for page thumbsup.gif

That better be sarcasm SChrisEV or I'm going to call the new home build salesperson and tell them you've change your mind about the fish tank equipment room. No no, just wall it in. Actually, he said he doesn't even need plumbing anywhere close to his tank so go ahead and remove these water lines and maybe even these electrical outlets too... devil.gif


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I just don't get it. In life, you will not ever get along w/ everybody, its just a fact of life. Some people process things differently, some people have thicker skin than others. If this conversation was in a room face to face, you would more than likely just "nod and smile" and be cordial, and be along your way. I personally have thick skin. Some of my first posts had been highly technical and people gave me **** for "being an engineer." Initially I took it as condescending, but I reached out to that person in PM and asked "whats up" and it was simply sarcasm. I frequently stay in contact these people with questions and comments here and there.... ie. there is no beef.

Sarcasm is very hard to read w/out facial expressions or mannerisms. When in doubt, just reach out... don't assume everyone is an a-hole.

-Bluntly, probably one of the sarcastic a-holes at some point (who almost didn't hit the "post" button)

PS- its always ty's fault, he'll admit it eventually.

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Oh nothing brings the ARC community together like a collective Ty bashing and scapegoating session... fish.gif = hug.gif I'll play my part! grin.png

You can blame me in person at C4! I'll be manning this frag tank: wave.gifdoh.gif


That frag tank is painful to look at!

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If you're still around Fluxx, check your PM.

For everyone else, if you haven't please read this. I appreciate everyone's feedback in this thread, but I'm going to lock this one down now to push discussion there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone, I wanted to say that everything has been smoothed over with the help of some of the members of this community. I'll not name who it was that I worked things out with as I'll leave it up to them if they want to say some words on it, but long story short: we had about an hour long talk on the phone yesterday and I'm sure we both learned something about the other person. I'm glad to have my confidence in the community restored. I had the pleasure of volunteering during C4 and I met a lot of really great people in the process. I was also able to help out with something that many of the local reefers deemed a rather important meet for the community.

With that said, if I ever say or do anything that is offensive to anyone (i'll try to avoid doing this in the first place) I would definitely appreciate a PM. I'm here to help educate others and assist them in growing their knowledge on any subject I'm able to do so in. Please let me know if I can do anything to help any of you all whether I know your personally or not.

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Hello everyone, I wanted to say that everything has been smoothed over with the help of some of the members of this community. I'll not name who it was that I worked things out with as I'll leave it up to them if they want to say some words on it, but long story short: we had about an hour long talk on the phone yesterday and I'm sure we both learned something about the other person. I'm glad to have my confidence in the community restored. I had the pleasure of volunteering during C4 and I met a lot of really great people in the process. I was also able to help out with something that many of the local reefers deemed a rather important meet for the community.

With that said, if I ever say or do anything that is offensive to anyone (i'll try to avoid doing this in the first place) I would definitely appreciate a PM. I'm here to help educate others and assist them in growing their knowledge on any subject I'm able to do so in. Please let me know if I can do anything to help any of you all whether I know your personally or not.

Glad to have you back!
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Hello everyone, I wanted to say that everything has been smoothed over with the help of some of the members of this community. I'll not name who it was that I worked things out with as I'll leave it up to them if they want to say some words on it, but long story short: we had about an hour long talk on the phone yesterday and I'm sure we both learned something about the other person. I'm glad to have my confidence in the community restored. I had the pleasure of volunteering during C4 and I met a lot of really great people in the process. I was also able to help out with something that many of the local reefers deemed a rather important meet for the community.

With that said, if I ever say or do anything that is offensive to anyone (i'll try to avoid doing this in the first place) I would definitely appreciate a PM. I'm here to help educate others and assist them in growing their knowledge on any subject I'm able to do so in. Please let me know if I can do anything to help any of you all whether I know your personally or not.

Welcome back Flux. Was awesome meeting you both!


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Hello everyone, I wanted to say that everything has been smoothed over with the help of some of the members of this community. I'll not name who it was that I worked things out with as I'll leave it up to them if they want to say some words on it, but long story short: we had about an hour long talk on the phone yesterday and I'm sure we both learned something about the other person. I'm glad to have my confidence in the community restored. I had the pleasure of volunteering during C4 and I met a lot of really great people in the process. I was also able to help out with something that many of the local reefers deemed a rather important meet for the community.

With that said, if I ever say or do anything that is offensive to anyone (i'll try to avoid doing this in the first place) I would definitely appreciate a PM. I'm here to help educate others and assist them in growing their knowledge on any subject I'm able to do so in. Please let me know if I can do anything to help any of you all whether I know your personally or not.

Thanks, Jonathan, for giving us a second chance. I know that the staff and I are glad you spoke up, and appreciate the chance you gave us to address things and try to help work them out.

For anyone else out there who is having an issue or feeling the same, please contact me so that we can continue to make this a great place for everyone.

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I just don't get it. In life, you will not ever get along w/ everybody, its just a fact of life. Some people process things differently, some people have thicker skin than others. If this conversation was in a room face to face, you would more than likely just "nod and smile" and be cordial, and be along your way. I personally have thick skin. Some of my first posts had been highly technical and people gave me **** for "being an engineer." Initially I took it as condescending, but I reached out to that person in PM and asked "whats up" and it was simply sarcasm. I frequently stay in contact these people with questions and comments here and there.... ie. there is no beef.

Sarcasm is very hard to read w/out facial expressions or mannerisms. When in doubt, just reach out... don't assume everyone is an a-hole.

-Bluntly, probably one of the sarcastic a-holes at some point (who almost didn't hit the "post" button)

PS- its always ty's fault, he'll admit it eventually.

classic engineer....

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