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Vertex Cerebra - hands on

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Well, I haven't had much time to play with it with my unexpected temporary roommate moving in and my vacation.

I did want to drop this below. I won a magnetic probe holder from Vertex and they sent me all this with it.


They probably figured I was a little bummed that I didn't win the grand prize...


They gave away two of those! Wow!

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As pretty as those Vertex sumps are, am I the only one that thinks they look incredibly cramped? Impressive that they can fit everything in there, but all I can think of is how much a pita it must be to pull the skimmer or return pump for maintenance. I also use my sump to float and drip acclimate, but that doesn't look like it would be real useful for that. I mean, I'd take it and all....whistle.gif

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^^ Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking.... that thing would be an absolute bear to clean. Super cool to have all that stuff with a "small" footprint though. I recently purchased a 1.5L Vertex external reactor and was incredibly impressed with the packaging and the build quality.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, we finally have beta cloud access. It's still in its infancy but looks promising so far.





The first three pictures are just straight beta as you can see there are no bells and whistles regarding format and aesthetics. The last picture was an example one Vertex posted with some more refinements. I'm looking forward to the electrical cost calculator since it can monitor usage on every plug. It would be nice to know how much its costing me per month to run this monster. [emoji4] Hopefully mine isn't as expensive as their example tank. [emoji12]

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  • 1 month later...

So now that the hype has died down and Vertex has had a chance to debug it a little bit how is it working?

Would you buy it now if you didn't have it?

They are still in a continual loop of improvement. Every time I check on the forum, they are adding this or updating that.

Since its just running simple operations on my fish tub, I haven't even touched it in about a month. Main reason is I probably won't spend any more time on it until they've got a working build that may be ready for life after beta. Once the full online capability is up and it's out of beta, I'll return to messing with it.

Timing right now with everything going on with my own workload, home projects, and upcoming baby has derailed any time I can lend to playing with the new controller until it has been finalized.

I still think the full working version would have still turned my head and made me think long and hard about buying it over the new Apex but its still too early to tell.

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Interesting. Beta seems to be the rule rather than the exception with early adopters of electronics.

I'm perfectly content with my good old Apex gold.

Yeah, right now the Apex wins out just because of reliability. I just won't trust the Cerebra yet until its had some time out of beta first before I leave it responsible for my tank.

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Interesting. Beta seems to be the rule rather than the exception with early adopters of electronics.

I'm perfectly content with my good old Apex gold.

Yeah, right now the Apex wins out just because of reliability. I just won't trust the Cerebra yet until its had some time out of beta first before I leave it responsible for my tank.
From what i have been reading I wouldn't trust the new apex either.
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Interesting. Beta seems to be the rule rather than the exception with early adopters of electronics.

I'm perfectly content with my good old Apex gold.

Yeah, right now the Apex wins out just because of reliability. I just won't trust the Cerebra yet until its had some time out of beta first before I leave it responsible for my tank.
From what i have been reading I wouldn't trust the new apex either.
Oh yes, I concur just from what I've read as well.
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  • 1 year later...

So more than a year later and the controller sitting in a box for that long, vertex has been working on a new version of the controller and its almost competed. They were not too upfront with how BETA the first controller was and got some people mad. It was only partially functioning to begin with.


They made it right though and are giving all beta testers a free V2.0 of the new controller when we ship in our old ones.


So, may have some new updates in the next couple months as they sort the process of getting us free V2.0s of the new controller. One thing good is they slimmed down that giant box of a screen so super excited to play with a new toy again.



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i figured you wrote that behemoth off, glad they are doing good w/ people that got the crappy one [emoji4]
Sitting in a box on my shelf for a year was pretty much a write off, so you're not far from the truth. [emoji41]

We'll see how version 2 goes. I'll let it graduate to running my QT tank.
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I remember being excited about the cerebra when I saw it and then they pulled it and couldn't figure out why... now I know. Would be interested in how V2 works out
Me too! They have been testing it at their facility and should be shipping out in the next couple months.
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On a different note... Ty have you also used the Apex system? if so would like to know how they compare. I know it was only a beta with problems but still curious.
Oh man, been running an Apex for awhile now. I think since 2010-2011. My model number is 2182... To give frame of reference, gigems apex is model 51,426 and he's been running his for a couple years now.

Just basics, Apex language you used to have to be a part-time programmer but the new menus with Fusion make things so much easier and user friendly with their programming wizards. This allows easy setup for those that like simplicity but the programming language is still there for those who like to geek out.

For the limited time I got to play with the Cerebra, it was very user friendly with picture menu driven buttons for navigation. Programming was just selecting options and inputting parameters into simple boxes. It was like using a cellphone with apps which I appreciated. Visuals was leaps and bounds above Apex but Apex really hasn't changed their OS much over the years, just adding Fusion but even Fusion is quite basic.
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Awesome cause I have been slowly doing research on the different reef controllers and like what I with cerebra but like I said when I wanted to get one they disappeared and had no idea why. so I have been bouncing between the DA Reefkeeper and the Apex... they both have things I like and dislike ( I have gotten to play a bit with both and see how they work via others who have them) but I hadn't known anyone who got to play with the cerebra till I saw this thread.

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