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RCA First Friday After Hours Sale June 3rd!

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Congratulations graduates! Your hard work has paid off and you can finally close another chapter in your journey.

Is your child moving onto college and leaving that nest empty? No worries, fill that void with some new fish friends and corals? Is that college tuition finally over with? Give yourself a pay raise and splurge on your fish tank. We've got some great new livestock arrivals coming in this week and they will all be 20% off this Friday evening. So come on by and start your celebrations with free food, drinks and great deals.

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New arrivals today...

Rock Beauty Angel
Tonga Coral Beauty Angels
Purple Queen Anthias
Royal Grammas
Lawnmower Blennies
Vanderbilt Chromis
Blue Reef Chromis
Dragon Gobies
Yellow Tangs
Yellow Eye Kole Tangs
Blue Eye Kole Tangs
Atlantic Blue Tangs
Blue Hippo Tang
Melanurus Wrasses
Mystery Wrasse
Lubbocks Fairy Wrasses
Pacific Cleaner Wrasses
Red Coris Wrasses (juvies)
Bluehead Wrasses (looking good)
Green Mandarin Gobies
Multicolor Pencil Wrasses
Ocellaris Clowns
Longnose Hawk
Yellowhead Jawfish
Black Ocellaris Clown
Sand Sifting Stars
Florida Rics (Blue, Neon Green)
St. Thomas Mushrooms
Caribbean Red Mushrooms
Arrow Crabs
Gold Coral Banded Shrimp
Green Emerald Crabs
Peppermint Shrimp
Harlequin Serpent Stars
Pencil Urchins
Pink Pincushion Urchins
Rock Urchins
Flower Rock Anemones
Tuxedo Urchins
Sand Cucumbers
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Green Wellso
Green Trachys
Zoa Rock

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