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New Apex! Oh my...


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I wish I didn't buy a new apex a month ago! I don't like that the new energy bar isn't backwards compatible, or that there is no upgrade option like ecotech and aqua illumination offer with their products.

The monitored outlets and built in wifi are awesome, also the salinity probe is now standard which is nice. Is it worth the price of an upgrade? Doesn't seem like it yet.

Also not a fan of the new look/design.

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Yeah, I'm curious if there will be a legacy upgrade option for current owners of the "classic" apex.

The national forums are at an uproar on their marketing strategy of discounting the old units to clear inventory before releasing the new model instead of letting people know and letting them make the choice of saving $100 or waiting to get the new version.

It'll be interesting what happens in the next month or so before its released.

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Saw it this AM as well. I've got a BNIB Apex and one that is 8 months old. Was hoping to sell the older one but now it's going to be tough.

I really like the integrated WiFi and the monitored outlets. Not a fan of the design. Looks like my 5 year olds toys

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Yeah, it's nice that it goes backwards, but the current "classic" version can't use the new energy bars. I'm not an engineer but there really is no reason the new energy bars shouldn't work with the "classic" apex.

They still haven't officially said anything about the upgraded Fusion operating system and whether the "classic" Apex will be upgraded to it as well.

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Gotcha. That would be nice to buy just the updated energy bars.

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Yeah, that was my hope but Apex didn't work it that way to be compatible. All the old modules will work but suspiciously, the new energy bars won't.

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Only real "new" thing here is the monitored per port on new energy bar. the 7A per outlet looks great on paper, but isnt really realistic, most homes have 15A or 20A circuits standard, larger power draws are considered "special," so its really just a marketing ploy, or they got a good deal on the relays from china. The housing is a joke. focusing on cloud management vs local management is a joke.... Reading that the older models are getting deep discounts tells me they are trying to phase them out quicker and we'll be forced onto this new stuff when an upgrade is required due to hardware failure, which is both bad PR and shows they have little confidence in their own previous products ability to last over time. Shame they have no real competition w/ the featureset, hard to vote w/ the pocketbook.

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Honestly my Digital Aquatics archon does all the same that the new apex and old apex do. Digital aquatics actually scrapped the amps per channel feature as they found it wildly inaccurate on their systems. Maybe Neptune will have sorted this bug out.

Differences on paper

The DA gear comes in a PC1 power bar 2 outlets 15amps total for chillers over 1/2hp and heaters and MH over 600w,

PB4 power bar 2 continuous 8 amp each outlets and 2 3 amp outlets, fully backwards and forwards compatible.

PB8 power bar with grounded aluminum housing, 4 continuous 8 amp each outlets and 4 3 amp outlets, only for the archon system not backwards compatible.

Built in wifi

Full website control, no head unit, which is a downside to some. You have to have a computer or tablet to check on the system and program it. It can be done via the www remote access or local network only. They are working on making the reef keeper lite head units backwards compatible as a display. To be released sometime.

Has integration to eco smart live to control Ecotech gear via the archon. And they are working on intergration with the other manufacturers.

No coding, all the functions you could want are built in, if you want more it's an open source system and you can code in it to your hearts content.

Dual chipset, one for the Linux system and another running a openWRT router, the word is you will be able to control multiple tanks via wifi powerbars where ever you want within range. This feature isn't released but in the works.

All in all I DONT want to start an apex vs archon battle. I just wanted to merely point out Neptune does have competition out there. I have never run an apex but I do have many reef keeper lites, a couple elites and one archon. I have been very happy with my Digital aquatics gear. Is it fail proof no. I had a bad module on my archon that kept crashing it and I had to fight it for a while. But in the end the DA team was very responsive and went above and beyond to get the problem sorted out.

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I stand corrected :) I actually DO like the programming aspects. Allows for greater flexibility and customizations. This cloud centric menu driven stuff doesnt allow for those one-off configs more than likely. What one-off configs? pressing a button for 5secs on pm2_sw6 causing virtual outlet_A19 to trigger causing other outlets to do other stuff... ie. a custom feed or water change button.... just as example. I get the "cloud" appeal... its useful to most, but if you cant control it locally, yer dead in the water (pun intended) if your internet goes down... umm... not the most stable dependency for a life sustaining habitat. And i say this for anything IoT, if you HAVE to depend on cloud, and there are no local overrides, yer asking for trouble.... begging for it even.

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It says that they will sell a display head unit, but it is sold separately.

Good news for all, you will be able to get Apex classics for dirt cheap once people start selling their old ones to get this Kindergarten Toy!

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Just saw this as well. I would love to see wireless energy bars as well as backwards compatibility with existing energy bars and addon modules.

The other thing I'd be worried about is Neptune ending support for the existing models. They work really well, but it always sucks with a company flat out EOL's a product with a ton of existing users.

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I'm sure there are lots of great new upgrades to the system that I haven't really looked into it deeply enough yet nor am I familiar enough with the technicalities to make any meaningful comments, but those energy bars look HUGE and bulky. I feel like most people are trying to slim down their aquarium mechanics and wires to be more clean, a giant bulky plastic box with outlets doesn't fit my desire for design and compact space saving qualities.

I doubt I'll jump on the band wagon and go out and buy a new one. I've been using my RK lite for 8 years and phased it out to my QT tank. I'll probably keep using the apex as long as it works and does its job well until I find a need to upgrade to the new system a few years down the road. Still nice to know they are continuously expanding their line of products and developing new and better equipment.

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The other thing I'd be worried about is Neptune ending support for the existing models. They work really well, but it always sucks with a company flat out EOL's a product with a ton of existing users.

I think if they ended support for the "classic" apex anytime in the near future it would be committing company suicide.

When I first heard the news I was mad because I just bought an apex, but now looking at it, I don't know if I would buy the new version if I had the choice. Its more expensive, looks worse, and doesn't come with a display. It at least needs a physical feed button or something so you don't have to open an app for just to feed the tank.

While it is deceiving to run sale before the new product line was announced, I'm pretty sure Ecotech did the same thing before the quiet drives came out.

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I don't mind using the app to control the system. I almost never use the control module and always use my phone or laptop. I think allowing that to be optional was a good move. If people really want that option they still have the ability to by buying it separately. I do see an issue with spotty internet connection though, and that does worry me a bit if I couldn't control the system without Internet connection.

Edited by Gig 'em
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I get the "cloud" appeal... its useful to most, but if you cant control it locally, yer dead in the water (pun intended) if your internet goes down... umm... not the most stable dependency for a life sustaining habitat. And i say this for anything IoT, if you HAVE to depend on cloud, and there are no local overrides, yer asking for trouble.... begging for it even.

I agree 1000% with this. I wouldn't run a controller that I can't control locally as my internet is via satellite and unreliable at best. My Ecotech reef link is 100% cloud based and it drives me to be madder then a hornet when I can't connect when I want to. There is no local control for the reeflink. And it can be buggy.

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I get the "cloud" appeal... its useful to most, but if you cant control it locally, yer dead in the water (pun intended) if your internet goes down... umm... not the most stable dependency for a life sustaining habitat. And i say this for anything IoT, if you HAVE to depend on cloud, and there are no local overrides, yer asking for trouble.... begging for it even.

I agree 1000% with this. I wouldn't run a controller that I can't control locally as my internet is via satellite and unreliable at best. My Ecotech reef link is 100% cloud based and it drives me to be madder then a hornet when I can't connect when I want to. There is no local control for the reeflink. And it can be buggy.

you tried the local microwave-based internet providers? they have decent throughput, probably around the same price, since sat changes for data over a pretty low threshold if i recall. you need a tower though.

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