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Hey Everyone!

My name is John and I've just "recently" began the transition to saltwater and I'm located in Kyle, Tx. I tried a few years back but with school and work I didn't have the time or funds to really get into. About a year and a half ago I began accumulating things to get back into the hobby. Long story short I've had my tank up and running for a year and still feel pretty clueless as to what I'm doing and if what I'm doing is good.

My current setup is a 30 Gal reef tank


For filtration I have:

HOB RO BH90 Protein Skimmer

Old canister filter full of live rock (not sure if this is helping at all or hurting)


2 Ocellaris Clownfish (Love to nip me)

1 Blue Damsel

2 Turbo Snails

Various assortments of soft and stony coral


Fluval Sea Marine & Reef LED 2.0 Aquarium Light

I never really had an idea in mind of what I wanted I just knew the end result needed to be a tank full of corals. So without having a plan I started buying corals left and right. I've recently decided that I'm just not happy with it. The fish were given to me by a hobbyist who broke down their setup so I never really got to look at what kind of fish I wanted either. I'm looking to completely revamp everything and I would love any/all (constructive) input.

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Welcome John! I think you're doing pretty good. Everything looks happy and healthy.

I think the best way for you to move forward is to start looking an example tanks and zeroing in on what you want yours to look like. Once you decide that, there are plenty on the club that will help you achieve that with some great advice.

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Thanks Ty!

I've been thinking about minimizing the rock and having maybe only one structure of rock and also adding sand, which has been an internal debate since I've started. I also worry about having to get everything out to add the sand -__-. I feel like the filtration isn't as optimal as I would like so I was wanting to add some Macro Algae to give it a more patch reef/lagoon feel and to help with the filtering. I would also like to get different fish. The clownfish were great. and free, so I can't complain but man are they mean! The only fish they haven't killed is the Damsel. I would also like to minimize the amount of coral I have. I would like to keep a handful of my favorites but to me my tank doesn't look as cohesive as I'd like it to.

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I don't think you'd even have to remove anything to add the sand. You can just use some large diameter PVC and pour the sand into it with the end of the PVC at the bottom of the tank to minimize dust being kicked up. I'd highly recommend rinsing the sand very well when you do this and to turn off all pumps during this process. You'll probably getting a diatom bloom or a mini-cycle in general but maybe a couple more water changes than normal during this time will help keep it to a minimum.

Clownfish are super territorial, mine have even dashed at my large emperor angel with no fear... that's like me smacking Shaq in the back of the head because he got too close to my house. Suicidal fish! Perhaps when you rearrange your tank, you use that as your opportunity to get some other fish you would like. The clownfish will be feeling out their new territory and may not be as aggressive towards other tankmates during that time as they haven't staked a claim yet. The damsel is another story, it'll probably be aggressive to any fish you add to the system as well as that's probably the only reason he's still alive.

The best way to know if your filtration is ideal is to test your water. Do you have any idea what your parameters are? Mainly Ca, Alk, Mg, nitrates, and phosphates?

I kind of like the rock structure the way you have it. I think once the corals grow in and start covering up the rock and the sand is in place, your tank will look really nice and cohesive.

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I think the best way for you to move forward is to start looking an example tanks and zeroing in on what you want yours to look like.

Agreed. That's exactly what I've done. Gone through the tank build threads on here, and watched a ton of youtube vids, and write down all the corals I think are cool, then crosscheck on liveaquaria.com to see what kind of care level they need.
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Welcome to the club! I think your tank looks really nice and I agree with what's already been said above :) I'm interested in what your parameters are too.

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I know this is horrible but it's been a good while since I've done any sort of parameter check. doh.gif I usually just rely on how the tank/corals/fish look, which is generally pretty pristine. I just feel like nothing is growing as fast as it should be but then again I'm not entirely sure on their rate of growth in the first place. When I get off at 12 I will dig out my old test kits and let you guys know! Any suggestions on type/depth of sand I should use?

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I know this is horrible but it's been a good while since I've done any sort of parameter check. doh.gif I usually just rely on how the tank/corals/fish look, which is generally pretty pristine. I just feel like nothing is growing as fast as it should be but then again I'm not entirely sure on their rate of growth in the first place. When I get off at 12 I will dig out my old test kits and let you guys know! Any suggestions on type/depth of sand I should use?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. [emoji4]

I like Caribsea special reef grade sand and I usually add about 2". You just have to rinse the heck out of it... I mean really rinse it... It's super dirty. Especially if you are adding to a running tank.

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Hey! If the health of your clowns &damsel I got from you is any indication, your doing great, theyre already homed in and eating well! Im right up the road from you, if you ever need a hand or anything!

Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk

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