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Unhappy blasto

Dan H

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Anyone have an idea why our blasto would be unhappy? He's been in the same spot for many months and the water params are stable. He is at the bottom so he isn't getting a ton of light which should be good for a blasto. He also isn't getting ago that much flow, which again, should be good. It's been this way for about a week now.



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No lighting changes, we've been running carbon forever, changed it when I changed the GFO last... We did add 2 new blasto's last week... 1 of which didn't make it. It's possible maybe it had some blasto disease...

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That was my idea exactly. Pathogens come in all kinds of forms. There's a chance it brought with it a virus or bacteria that could be infecting your current blasto. Also, there is this thing called apoptosis, or programmed cell death, that could be linked to this kind of behavior. If the proteins responsible for the signaled cell dean are released from the dying blasto and absorbed by the other blasto, it could start to react to those proteins and begin to shut down. This isn't my area of expertise and I imagine a good deal of research would be necessary to test this hypothesis, but it's a possibility.

Anyway, I would say if no other parameter has changed in the tank (light, temp, salinity, alk, mg, etc.) then I would point towards a biological factor to be the culprit.

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Yeah, these both seem like reasonable ideas. Either some sort of nutrients or some pathogen problem. Fun. I love things that can't be tested. Well, I just hope that it pulls through. I'll be pretty upset to lose one of our show pieces, especially when it's been thriving for so long.

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Heh. Nice try.

Chatted with a blasto guy at the swap and he suggested putting it in the shade then trying to feed it this special LPS food. Gonna give that a try.

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Heh. Nice try.

Chatted with a blasto guy at the swap and he suggested putting it in the shade then trying to feed it this special LPS food. Gonna give that a try.

Didn't I trade you a fungia plate and Superman Rhodactis for it earlier today? [emoji12]
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Nice try. Your corals are sitting on our sump sandbed chillin, waiting to be reclaimed by their rightful owner. :)

I don't deserve them... They need to be with a more qualified frag tank owner... [emoji53]
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