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Bulk Reef Supply F'ing Rocks!


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For those of you who don't surf my build thread, I have a cracked Impeller in my Skimz skimmer which caused it to get very noisy and I'm sure cause harm to the pump. So I started surfing for a replacement impeller only to find out that they're on Back Order and not going to be available for at least 30 days same with a new pump.

I can only fit a skimmer that is 10.5" wide in between the top of my sump and the bottom of my tank and also have to have it in at least 10-12" of water which severely limits what skimmers I can use.

OK so It was going to run me $1200 to purchased everything I'd need to go external.

I also contemplated purchasing a new Skimz sm201 at $441 just to get the impeller...

I took a peek at Bulk Reef Supply's return policy and it says un-used items can be returned after 30 days.. which is how long they told me until the replacement impellers would come in.

so I decided to give them a call.

I got Conner who I told my dilemma of needing a replacement impeller and that the pumps and impellers are out of stock everywhere for at least 30 days. I asked him about purchasing a new skimmer just to use the impeller and then returning it later with a new impeller. He said that wouldn't work..

He instead said he was going to go see if they had an open new SM201 that he could sell me the impeller from. After a brief hold, he came on and said he had the pump from a new SM201 in his hand and that he'd sell me the Impeller from it for the same price as the site sells it for so I wouldn't have to go through all that hassle and losing money to acquire it.

So my new impeller will be here tomorrow!

Hats off BRS!

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Very cool of them. I do most my online shopping there and every time I've had to call customer service they have been great. They once re-sent me 12 ATI T5 bulbs that broke during shipping - no questions asked.

Plus I feel their youtube videos are one of the greatest tools available to newcomers to reef keeping - as long as you keep in mind their goal is to sell you things.

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Man, at first I thought I read "Bulk Reef Supply, F'ing rocks!" And was wondering what was wrong with their rocks [emoji23]

They really are great. I had a T5 bulb arrive with a broken prong and they sent me a reef replacement immediately after I reported the issue. Great business.

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