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DaM - Updated frags available

Dan H

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Crappy rainy day out so it was a good excuse to work on the website I've been building over the past few weeks... Basically, I've become frustrated trying to keep track of what I'm selling on all these different threads, on Facebook, and everywhere else... Plus, it's really hard to know what's actually available locally when I'm looking to buy frags. So, being the nerd that I am, I created a frag co-op website. I've currently got all my available frags listed on the site, and am opening it up to other hobbyists to list their items for sale. It's going to be an evolving site as I figure out the right way to run it. The basic idea is to pool together the local hobbyists (and even LFS's) to get a total view of what's available locally. This in turn will allow pooling orders from non-locals to save on shipping. So you would have all of the frags available in Austin on 1 site. The plan is to have a signup fee, and charge a small fee / frag sold to offset the costs of building / maintain the website and managing orders.

If you're interested in buying, you can go to http://www.fragcoop.com/ OR if you only want to see just my frags, go to http://www.fragcoop.com/product-category/hobbyists/austin/dam/

If you want to sell on the site, you'll need to buy a "Seller's Account". http://www.fragcoop.com/product/sellers-account/

First 10 to sign up can use the coupon "freesellerarc" and it will make the signup free.

Some notable things, I fragged up my large blue tip acro into 3 main pieces. They are all $50 each - the branches are easily 3".




I also have a Blasto colony ($200), and a Jason Fox Grapejuice colony ($150).



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Oh nice! I'll be adding stuff soon then! Who wants palytoxins? Just kidding. [emoji12]

FWIW, I beta tested it out and functionality was great and easy to use. I was even able to upload from my phone , which is awesome.

Being able to locate exactly what you want without having to dig through classifieds/Facebook/other forums is such a timesaver.

For us sellers, the ability to have a section of just your own corals is nice and one day hopefully we can get it setup so that you can even have your own storefront. That way us hobbyist can have our own websites without having to do all the website maintenance work that most of us are clueless on.

If we can get the LFSs in our area onboard, imagine how awesome that'll be to know stock at the stores and what they have? The possibilities are endless and I'm looking forward to how it develops.

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Yeah, I'm really hoping this is a win for everyone. I've been schmoozing with many people including LFS's to get an idea of how to make it work and be beneficial to all. Anyways, if you do go to the site, feel free to give me feedback. It's pretty much an experiement/beta at this point, but hopefully that's not for long. :)

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Just an FYI, if you sign up to sell, it may be a bit before you have access to post frags as I manually have to approve your user to have the seller's account. These are the little things that I still need to debug... :)

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I love this idea too, I'm really excited about it! One thing about the frags you have listed, on my phone the pictures show up so blue, that I can't see any color at all. Other than that, it's very easy to navigate.

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Hmm, interesting. Is it all pictures of just some? I set up my frag tank last night just to get some good pictures that weren't super blue! I guess that may not have worked as planned. :)

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Hmm, interesting. Is it all pictures of just some? I set up my frag tank last night just to get some good pictures that weren't super blue! I guess that may not have worked as planned. :)

Okay got a chance to look at the site closer and it's just some. Like the Titanium Acropora, but now I see you have additional pictures that's aren't as blue. And it helped to turn up the brightness on my phone. I think you're fine!
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Looks good, I completed the request for an account. Some of the pics did have a bit too much blue, for me on my laptop... I will upload some pics after you have the chance to process my request and figure out my new camera settings...

Thanks Dan, for the extra efforts around this, I wish for it to be a win-win!

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Crappy rainy day out so it was a good excuse to work on the website I've been building over the past few weeks... Basically, I've become frustrated trying to keep track of what I'm selling on all these different threads, on Facebook, and everywhere else... Plus, it's really hard to know what's actually available locally when I'm looking to buy frags. So, being the nerd that I am, I created a frag co-op website. I've currently got all my available frags listed on the site, and am opening it up to other hobbyists to list their items for sale. It's going to be an evolving site as I figure out the right way to run it. The basic idea is to pool together the local hobbyists (and even LFS's) to get a total view of what's available locally. This in turn will allow pooling orders from non-locals to save on shipping. So you would have all of the frags available in Austin on 1 site. The plan is to have a signup fee, and charge a small fee / frag sold to offset the costs of building / maintain the website and managing orders.

If you're interested in buying, you can go to http://www.fragcoop.com/ OR if you only want to see just my frags, go to http://www.fragcoop.com/product-category/hobbyists/austin/dam/

To clarify I should add that Dan has brought the Frag Coop on as a club sponsor. We're really excited about the possibilities and think it's a great idea!

(moved to the sponsor discussion forum)

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