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Hello Fishy Friends!


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Hello everyone! I'm Aspen, an amature naturalist. My experience eith animal husbandry has been primarily exotic land creatures from the fuzzy to the feathery to the slithery. Now, I want to try my sea legs and adopt some briney buddies.

I'm starting with a 20g tall, because I live in a second story apt. with little info on the construction of the building. So, I want to play it safe! Besides, I like the challenge of keeping a smaller tank. I've been doing months of research, but I know I haven't even scratched the surface.

When is the next meeting? I'm ready to start picking brains!

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Awesome, I can't wait to meet everyone! Should I bring something snack/drink wise?

We provide snacks and drinks, but our members often surprise us by bringing other things (cookies, snacks, etc)

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