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DIY skimmer neck cleaner idea


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Conceptual skimmer wiper design: The idea of this concept is to have the motor "remote" and not directly mounted to the skimmer, allowing for a low profile install. I have yet to find a place for gears/pulleys.

low voltage/low rpm motor: http://amzn.com/B00NXD1Q18 $16.88
motor bracket: http://amzn.com/B00TK0X03U $7.28
motor controller: http://amzn.com/B007TH4EN6 $10.99
motor gear/pulley:
wiper gear/pulley:
wiper shaft bearings: http://amzn.com/B00VNV9LIC $4.84
-or- wiper shaft nylon washers: http://amzn.com/B0040CTTS8 $8.99
wiper shaft: http://amzn.com/B00FKJD5E4 $2.72
wiper mount: (use shaft material and stainless set srews, and tap kit)
wiper: 2x http://amzn.com/B0114A566C $10.97 (needs 2 so it will always be centered and dont require bearings on shaft)

Since my skimmer output dumps into a sock, the waste can drop back in w/o any issues. However the point is to gear it slower so it DOESN'T drop back in.

pulley/belt possibilities:



the motor/bearing/pulley combinations and possibilities are endless, bleh. If you have room, its probably best to buy one of these pre-made While the cost of the materials might be 80% the perceivable cost, they buy their materials bulk, they have tons of research, and honed the gearing and physics perfectly to make an end product. but I need low profile, so I'll be doing this DIY some day.

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