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Christian's 180 in-wall aquarium


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So we ended up taking the wall out completely 3c555623f703adaa3cb2b9a07a7d7238.jpg

Building a completely new stand


And decided to use a sea clear 2 aquarium that I drilled to add my 40 gallon sump onto.

But it's super scratched up.

Hey Dan tips on removing scratches


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Since the tank is dry, you can use a buffer or sander which should make life much easier. Keep it wet, start with 400 grit but only on spots with deep scratches... Then work all the way up to 9000 grit. There are some youtube videos that are super helpful, that's how I learned.

Let me know if you have any questions. Prepare for a long day. :) It takes forever.

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Ok so last weekend when we decided to put the aquarium into the wall, we were placing a 180 and the bottom cracked so the next day we picked up a 120 and that one cracked from the heat while we had it out side trying to paint the back of the tank.

So we ended up placing a 70 gallon sea clear II aquarium in the wall.

So far we just got tank and rock and our clown in the aquarium, with 2 queen conchs 2 snails, a sea hair, and long spine urchin.

I will be setting up the apex probably tomorrow, along with the kessil lighting. I have not decided how many of the kessils to put on the aquarium.

I know they cover 2X2 section of the aquarium so I should only need 2

They are the a160 tuna blue lights what's your guys thoughts?

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That was a lot to go through! I'm glad you finally have a tank that's working in there. I'd like to see a shot of the wall surrounding the tank sometime, to get an idea of how the whole thing looks. I'm guessing you're probably not done with the wall yet. 2 years later and I'm not even all the way done with the wall surrounding mine!

How deep is the tank? I ran the a360's on my standard 90gal and 2 Kessils left a lot of shadows. I ran 4 of them soon after.

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We're still working on the paint and trim around the aquarium. (But target has some Great Wall decor [emoji6])

The tank is only like, 12" I think to the back wall. It's not very deep but holds a lot of water. Lol

That's kinda what I was thinking is just run what I had on my 180 just make it fit to this tank

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So far we just got tank and rock and our clown in the aquarium, with 2 queen conchs 2 snails, a sea hair, and long spine urchin.

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I'd be concerned with the conchs, sea hare, and urchin, in a new tank there won't be much for them to eat.

What did you do to treat or pre-treat the water? Did you add any nitrifying bacteria or anything to kickstart your cycle? It looks like you used some live rock with the dry rock, which should help.

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Water and live rock from my 180 was used to fill this aquarium. Except for live sand and one new Texas wholey Rock.

If I have to move them due to food I have a 700 gallon system in my garage. That I placed the rest of my live rock from my 180 in.

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Here's what will be controlling my in wall aquarium


I will be running my kessils I'm thinking about removing my 48" ecotec led lights all together to run them on my 55 gallons I have in the garage.

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Will this code work for kessil lights on the apex system?

Do I put it under control type advanced?


Profile Name: Int_Sunr (sunrise)

Control Type: Ramp

Ramp time (minutes): 240

Start intensity: 0

End intensity: 70

Profile Name: Int_Dayl (mid-day)

Control Type: Ramp

Ramp time (minutes): 1

Start intensity: 70

End intensity: 70

Profile Name: Int_Nigh (sunset)

Control Type: Ramp

Ramp time (minutes): 180

Start intensity: 70

End intensity: 0

Var spd outlets

LEDColor (light spectrum ramp)


If Time 09:00 to 13:00 Then ColorSun

If Time 13:01 to 17:00 Then ColorDay

If Time 17:01 to 20:00 Then ColorNig

LEDInten (dimming)


If Time 09:00 to 13:00 Then Int_Sunr

If Time 13:01 to 17:00 Then Int_Dayl

If Time 17:01 to 20:00 Then Int_Nigh

Please comment

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Send Failed

//Error: line 3 - Statement must start with If, OSC, Min, Set, Fallback // Ramp time (minutes): 240 //Error: line 4 - Statement must start with If, OSC, Min, Set, Fallback // Start intensity: 0 //Error: line 5 - Statement must start

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Okay, I hope this makes some sense. You need 2vdm ports to control the lights. One for spectrum and the other intensity. This is what I have for spectrum:


If Time 08:00 to 10:00 Then ColorSun

If Time 10:01 to 19:00 Then ColorDay

If Time 19:01 to 20:00 Then ColorNight

Then for intensity you use the wizard and just make your curve however you want.

I set all this up prior to fusion, so I don't actually know how in fusion to program the virtual outlets (I think it was called) to tell the apex what "ColorSun" means.

I hope someone jumps in to help! You might want to post this question in the controller equipment discussion forum.

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Now that the tank is up, lights are halfway up and running, need to set up my apex to the wifi.

Time for the aquarium stock list.

So far in the aquarium, I've got 1 clown, 1 Bta, 2 queen conchs, some GSP, and Zoas.

What's to come?

1-3 more clowns

Blue spot jaw fish

2-3 fire fish

3-5 green chroms

Panda goby

Not sure if I should add any more?


More Zoas

Few sps (montipora cap, and may be an acro or too.)

Gold torch

Green torch

Green and orange hammer


Just a large mix of LPS.

Any thoughts on any specific corals I should add?

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