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Beer:30 meetings (or soda:30 if under 21)

Dan H

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Many of us have bounced around the idea of trying to start having some informal meetups to kick back, drink a few beers (or soda if you aren't 21), and schmooze. I wanted to just put this thread out there to gather ideas... Where are good spots to meet? Days and times? Possibly have North and South meetings to make it easy to get to after work?

Just toss out some ideas and let's try it out, see if we can't give it a go.

Meeting at a bar or restaurant is certainly a possibility. For us in the North, a few good options for location would be NXNW, Pour House, Cover 3. It may also be possible to meet up at a member's house if we really needed to stare at a tank while talking. I'm open to hosting if that's the route we want to go... I'm even willing to buy some crappy beer, but you fancy beer drinkers would have to bring your own. :)

Thoughts? Suggestions?

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Beer:30, next week after work on evening. I say a brewery like 4th tap, Adelbert's, or Circle Brewing would be fun, I'm leaning to 4th tap because I can bring my dog. Something just chill and people can join and leave with ease, unlike a restaurant where we have to coordinate and see how many are in the party, etc. Northies and southies would make sense since its after work but I won't turn away any southies at the door if they think hanging with northies is way cooler. shifty.gif

I say we save the houses for our monthly meetings if possible and oogle everyone's tanks then when they host.

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Oh yeah, Opals is usually nice too. Too bad the one on 360 is gone now. :/

So far it sounds like after work, at bar, dog friendly a plus. :)

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I like the idea of whole foods at the domain! I also enjoy their beer, and wine selection from the bar. Like gig said too - it has plenty of outdoor/second level seating.

People could come and go easily, but also sit down to eat without making prior arrangements.

Best of both worlds for the northies imo.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Bluemoon
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