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Austin man accused of stealing fish, bird from pet stores


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My bad. Thanks for posting the correct link.

I'd love to see how someone steals 16 fish out of a tank so quickly.

Yeah, I couldn't figure out if he's that good or were the people that oblivious. Like did they go grocery shopping and leave him there? Surely they didn't just step outside to smoke and he snagged 16 fish. If so, he should have turned his skills into a business instead of a life of crime. I'd pay him any day to catch all my fish out for me when needed.
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Just crazy. Glad he was finally caught. I personally feel that stealing pets should carry a much higher penalty than just theft. I've seen people whose dogs were stolen and it was completely devastating, literally like having a child kidnapped to them.

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Just crazy. Glad he was finally caught. I personally feel that stealing pets should carry a much higher penalty than just theft. I've seen people whose dogs were stolen and it was completely devastating, literally like having a child kidnapped to them.

Agreed! If my dog got stolen, my wife, who's not the violent type in the least, I mean, she's a vegetarian for Pete's sake, would probably go nuts on the thief!

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My assumption from the details in the article was that someone was breaking down a tank, and had pre-bagged all their livestock to sell off that weekend.

I can't imagine coming back into the room and noticing the man, who was just there, and all of my livestock is just missing.


...I'd go straight Liam Neeson/Taken if someone tried to walk off with my pup.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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