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How to clean center brace glass?


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This picture is black and white but it give you an idea of how jacked my my center brace glass is.


Notice how clear the glass is in the center vs the two sides.... I tried a razor no dibs...

Any other tricks....?

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lower the water level, get one of those dual texture sponges, soak in vinegar... wring out as much as possible, scrub. rinse, repeat... insert razor scraping when yer bored. in the end, remove the glass smile.png

+1, get a sponge, dip in vinegar, wring it out, let it sit on a spot for a couple hours, then clean that spot. Rinse, repeat.
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Unless you currently dose carbon I wouldn't do the putty thing. It seems like a catastrophe waiting to happen. IME when glass is stained and etched like that it's a lost cause. I would do the vinegar sponge soak and razor blade. If it doesn't come clean from that it's probably not going to.

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Unless you currently dose carbon I wouldn't do the putty thing. It seems like a catastrophe waiting to happen. IME when glass is stained and etched like that it's a lost cause. I would do the vinegar sponge soak and razor blade. If it doesn't come clean from that it's probably not going to.

I do run bio pellets but what does that have anything to do with putting a putty ring on the glass brace so vinegar can soak?

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By dose carbon, he means dosing vinegar or vodka. If you aren't currently on a carbon dosing schedule then a splash of vinegar might alter your parameters and shock the system. In a tank as big as yours you would have to drop quite a bit of vinegar into it though. Vodka is more potent.

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lay a paper towel flat on it, and soak the paper towel enough to hold the vinegar in place, not enough for it to run into the tank (if you are cleaning the top. the underside is a *****. same concept but w/ saran wrap holding it tight? i dunno. the underside was always my problem.

after i took mine off, i tried cleaning them w/ pretty much anything that wasnt going to scratch it... still not clear. so... theres that.

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Is that just water deposits or scratches? You can get glass scratches professionally removed. They have to use chemicals though so you would have to empty the tank more than likely.

It's not scratches.... It's definitely water deposits...

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There's actually no chemicals in a magic eraser, its just melamine foam which is an abrasive. I don't know if I would dip it in the tank but you should be fine using it on the brace.

Hmm.... But I foams when you get it wet...? At least for me when I use it on dirty walls....

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I think those are just air bubbles from the foam maybe? I would read on the package to make sure there aren't any additional cleaners added, but your regular old magic eraser doesn't have any chemicals in it.

It maybe worth a google search to see if anyone else has used it around a reef tank.

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ummm, its made of tiny particles of melamine set into a foam.. or "melamine foam"... not sure you want fish or coral eating that. I'm not gonna use it on my tank smile.pnghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melamine_foam

EDIT: so the formula itself is not toxic in this state, however it it essentially microscopic bits of plastic. https://gimmethegoodstuff.org/mr-clean-magic-eraser-is-it-toxic/

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ummm, its made of tiny particles of melamine set into a foam.. or "melamine foam"... not sure you want fish or coral eating that. I'm not gonna use it on my tank :)

After reading about it on reef central... It's evidently used a lot..... People actually use it to clean the glass inside the tank with their magnets.. Idk about that one.

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