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Skimmer problems


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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I've got the opposite problem! Every time I do a water change, or add any new saltwater, it goes bonkers. My answer has been to wait a day or so and fire it up again, hoping it runs normal. Is the the correct course of action or something else I can do to normalize that more quickly?

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The majority of that vid, it's on the lowest option - you can see me go from the lowest to highest and back down. Unless you mean simply unplugging the drain to keep the cup from overflowing - I've done that, but didn't really see the point in running the skimmer just to dump thin skimmate back into the sump.

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Then if possible, I would raise the skimmer to sit a little higher in the water. That will give you a little more flexibility to lower the water in the skimmer so it won't overflow, even on its lowest setting.

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new water = more crap to skim out. even fresh mixed water will increase the surface tension then already skimmed water from the tank. I think the new water just needs time to cycle through the tank and mix w/ the old water before you kick it on.

although, one major reason i switched to external recirc was water level causing overflows, as well as the initial super-wet when it kicks on. w/ the recirc pump on a 2min delay from the feed pump.. i dont have these issues anymore (w/o the delay, i had similar issues.... physics of water/air mix n all). seeing that my controller turns the skimmer off for 45mins, i didnt wanna deal w/ the superwet skimmate 2x/day.

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Then if possible, I would raise the skimmer to sit a little higher in the water. That will give you a little more flexibility to lower the water in the skimmer so it won't overflow, even on its lowest setting.

Seems to have been the answer! Thanks again!

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  • 11 months later...

How do you guys handle situations where an additive makes the skimmer go nuts?  I dosed w/ Chemiclean a couple of days ago and it's still going bonkers.  I just pulled the plug and let it empty back into the sump, so nothing is actually getting pulled out of the system.  That's how I handle water changes, but that dies down overnight then I plug it back up and go on as normal.

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chemiclean requires you to adjust the skimmer down to essentially NOT skim for 24-48hrs.  dont turn it off, you need the oxygen.  after 36-48hrs, 20% WC, then readjust the skimmer wet.  should normalize in a couple days after that.

if you let it go crazy right after application, you are skimming it out before it has a chance to work.

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5 minutes ago, Isaac said:

if you let it go crazy right after application, you are skimming it out before it has a chance to work.

???  I did let it go crazy so that I could get the aeration, I just dumped the skimmate back into the sump.  There's no way to collect when it's running that fast...I guess there is, but you'd just be draining your system.

It's been 48h and I have a batch of new water almost ready, so I'll just do the change when the salinity is right and see if that has knocked it down enough to collect.

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3 hours ago, BobcatReefer said:

It's adjusted all the way down already.  No need to take the top off and make a mess when you can drain it nice and clean.

That's fine.  It's what I do when I run chemiclean.  Just put the drain tube in the sump.

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