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Skimmer problems


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I have a bubble magus 7 and a bubble magus 9. Mine does the same thing if the water level has changed even slightly, or if I change out filter socks. Doesn't do it all the time but once every so often. I just leave it alone and within a few days it starts working again. I even tried raising and lowering the water in the sump to fix it and nothing. Googled the problem and still nothing lol. So like I said for whatever reason it's starts working again within a few days. Almost like it's breaking itself in again.

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Looking for some help on my skimmer issue.... Bubble Magus Curve 5 was chugging along like a champ, right up until I cleaned it last week. Rinsed the collection cup w/ tap water and used my fingers to rub off the mung. Now there is a decent level of mung built back up on the inside part of the cup (the inside inside part - extension of the neck), but the bubbles don't want to come up the neck of the skimmer body into the cup anymore. Doesn't matter where I have the adjustment set, still can't get the foam to rise. HALP!

Skimmers have to break in. The goo you cleaned out of the neck is what the bubbles stick to so they can "climb" up to the cup. It takes a minute to rebuild the biofilm and make the thing work again.

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You need to do the opposite, clear that junk out. Skimmer necks need to be clean to perform properly.

Yes, they do need to be broken in but that's usually from the factory, as there are residual production chemicals that prevent the adherence of bubbles to the neck wall.

After that though, your goal is to keep that neck clean, more stuff on it, less skimmate you'll pull.

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Ok I have a dumb question. Did it ever work right? Did you verify that your valve that restricts the water flow is actually closing and opening with turning the knob. It looks like you need it to be mostly closed to get your bubble head higher.

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I clean mine w/ my fingers in my change water... i try not to make it "squeaky clean" on the inner area, my skimmer performs best when slightly dirty (but that can be said for all of us, eh? hehehe)

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Yes, it worked correctly:

Bubble Magus Curve 5 was chugging along like a champ, right up until I cleaned it last week.

They have been running ~90 days and were kicking arse right up until I cleaned the cup last week.

And yes, the valve that restricts flow is functional:

Going to pull the whole thing out of the sump and give it a good once over, especially the pump. I have to think something is stuck or impaired if it won't push foam into the cup - that's what skimmers love to do: overflow!

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I was going to say, if it worked before, but doesn't work now, and you've cleaned the air line... then the last possible culprit is the impeller or the pump itself. You wouldn't believe what a snail shell can do in some of those needle-wheel impellers... just shatter and break all the points or get lodged within it. If the needle-wheel impeller looks fine, I'm going to blame a malfunctioning pump at that point.

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Just as an FYI, I have to clean the impellor on my skimmer pretty much weekly. Stomatellas seemed to get sucked in there at least once a week. Plus all sorts of other detritus and gunk just clog it up and make it run less effeciently. Definitely check it out.

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  • 1 month later...

Soooo..... Dan was nice enough to come by and give my system the once over just to make sure I was on the right path. It took him about 14 seconds to notice a hole in the housing of the skimmer where a plug should go, so I put the plug in and now it works like a champ. doh.gifunsure.png

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No, there's an extra hole that comes w/ a plug in it. The plug kept floating out and annoying me, so I put it off to the side. 1+1=2, but 1+X could equal anything. It never occurred to me that the hole needed to be sealed to keep water pressure high enough to push up the neck. In my defense, I've only ever had an HOB skimmer in the past. On the obvious side, I feel incredibly stupid.

red plug, right side:


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