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Biocube 29


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A few months ago I picked up a used Biocube 29 with stand, skimmer, an upgraded return pump, and a heater at a really good deal. I added a few larger rocks and some crushed argonite substrate to cycle the tank. Started adding coral after it finished. Ended up with a decent tank.


But I wasn't satisfied with it. Rock work looked like a big pile domed up, and the substrate limited the fish I could get(sand cleaning goby). When I found a mod design for a refugium in the middle chamber, I was sold on the idea of breaking the tank down and starting over. I moved the coral to my 14g, and sold any fish I didn't want at the LSF. Transferred the ones I wanted to keep and the substrate to a plastic bin to keep them alive.


Sadly, my fire fish who had been stressed by a strawberry pseudo didn't survive the transfer. After I disposed of the fire fish and sold the pseudo i picked up a court jester and a orange prawn goby to keep thing alive. Paired the prawn goby with a pistol today. 1fdca6c8d68f05509b80680929d04477.jpg

I also finished the rock work. Lots of sand bed, arches, and caves. I'm quite pleased with it.


Just need to finish the refugium mod build in the back this week and start the cycle(I boiled and dried all the rock.)

I want to upgrade the lights to support SPS and clams. I found http://shop.stevesleds.com/Biocube-29-LED-Light-System-Extreme-SPS-Fully-Loaded-6519813125.htm Does anyone have experience with them or a better deal?

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Love those arches! Intrigued by these small reef builds. I feel like one is in my future...

Thanks. I wanted too keep as little rock in contact with the sand as possible. The little reefs are a lot of fun to me. But I have my sights on a bigger one by the end of the year.

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A chisel, a dremal, a piece of thin pvc type pipe as pegs, and a lot of gel superglue. Chiseled the rock to the way I wanted, dremaled the rock edges to fit and make a hole for the pegs, superglue to hold edges together and make a seamlessish connection with extra rock.

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Does anyone know of a bioload calculator or ratio? I have a stock list down to about 5 fish.


Royal Gamma

Court Jester

Orange Prawn

Green Mandarin (after tank has matured and the refugium has had time to cultivate pods)

Trying to stay away from clowns. Any thoughts?

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I had thought I could cultivate the pods with a refugium. The mandarin was going to be added about 6 months after the tank was cycled. After all that time, there wouldn't be a steady enough stream of pods for it too pick at?

Did your gamma attack due to look or territory? Not totally married to the fish, just figured it was bright and wouldn't be territorial if added 4th. Giving everything else enough time to stake their claim.

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Yeah, I hate to say it but the mandarin would die a slow death in the tank, even with a refugium. They eat an average of 1 pod every 10 seconds, that's almost 1.5 million pods in a year!

You'd be hard pressed to produce that in a 100 gallon, let alone a 29 gallon. The only way is to train it to eat prepared foods but that's an uphill battle in itself. If it was easy, you'd see a whole lot more mandarins in small tanks.

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