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Jens 240


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Tested Saturday, Hannah checker said 0.8 for phosphates and the Api said between 20 and 40 for nitrates. I hate that test!!!! Can't really tell what it's really at. I have the Red Sea nitrate pro test kit but haven't used it yet

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Have you double-checked your Hanna Phosphate results? 0.8 ppm of phosphate is a pretty high number. Just for reference, my phosphate generally runs at 0.03 ppm of phosphate, though I do run a SPS dominant tank and keep my phosphate a lot lower than most. Maybe you meant to put 0.08 ppm?

For nitrates, I'm curious what your Red Sea result for nitrate is. Keep in mind that for biopellets, they are really biased to remove nitrates and just a small amount of phosphates. That's why most will still need to employ another strategy to remove phosphates as well, such as GFO or aluminum oxide.

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Ok so this naso tang is totally stumping me. I've yet to see him eat. I've tried mysis, brine, emerald entree, flake, pellet, and seaweed. Still nothing. He rather pick off the powerheads and rocks. Even tried reef frenzy for picky eaters and still nothing. Any ideas or suggestions?

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I'd skip the garlic, use a rubberband and attach red or brown algae to a piece of live rock and drop it in the tank. I'm pretty sure it'll start eating it. I had to do the same for mine too. Something about nasos... They just love grazing and it takes them awhile to eat food out of the water column. They also go nuts for brown or red algaes, more brown if you can find it.

Mine absolutely loved dictyota. I think I still have some small branches in the tank if you want to steal some and try it.

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I'd skip the garlic, use a rubberband and attach red or brown algae to a piece of live rock and drop it in the tank. I'm pretty sure it'll start eating it. I had to do the same for mine too. Something about nasos... They just love grazing and it takes them awhile to eat food out of the water column. They also go nuts for brown or red algaes, more brown if you can find it.

Mine absolutely loved dictyota. I think I still have some small branches in the tank if you want to steal some and try it.

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Just when you think everything is going great, you get busy with life and forget about the tank. Wonder why my coral was looking a little sad, tested the water, and my phosphates were at 0.00 ?. Started messing with the tank trying to get everything good again, then the skimmer overflows in the sump. It was 3/4 full, thick green nasty nasty stuff ? Tanks all cloudy and smells like...well you know. Total bummer...... Just setup my 92 gallon corner tank and thought to myself, your just begging for trouble. You should have just broke down the 80 gallon cube and went about your business!!!! Lol

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