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Just added this juvenile blonde naso yesterday. Thought I was going to wake up to an ich fest this morning but all is well. The blue hippo was notorious for having ich by just looking at him the wrong way but not even a single dot on him!

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Cross your fingers it'll be a male and start growing streamers in a few years!

Other than being a little picky when first adapting to being fed, I've always experience nasos as being very resilient to most diseases and aren't ich magnets like the hippos are. Great looking fish! They appreciate some brown algae and well as red, besides just the standard green algae strips.

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Cross your fingers it'll be a male and start growing streamers in a few years!

Other than being a little picky when first adapting to being fed, I've always experience nasos as being very resilient to most diseases and aren't ich magnets like the hippos are. Great looking fish! They appreciate some brown algae and well as red, besides just the standard green algae strips.

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Hate to be that person... way too many large fish for that size tank :(

Not sure you realize how big some of those fish get.

BTW: Saw a Gold Rim Tang yesterday while snorkeling that was easily 18" without it's tail. Got a video of it, was a beast! I've only seen them and Achilles around 12" max lol

Edited by nuxx
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Hate to be that person... way too many large fish for that size tank :(

Not sure you realize how big some of those fish get.

BTW: Saw a Gold Rim Tang yesterday while snorkeling that was easily 18" without it's tail. Got a video of it, was a beast! I've only seen them and Achilles around 12" max lol

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It's all good....I know eventually they might get to big. If there's ever a problem or I feel like the fish are starting to suffer or be stressed I have no problem handing them over to jake to put in there 700 gallon tank. I love my fish, even more than coral and would never want to see them suffer so I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen.

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I currently use UV and biopellets Jen. Just make sure the eflluent from the biopellet reactor goes either straight into the skimmer or at least in the skimmer compartment. Hooking it straight into the skimmer is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is get a PVC Tee that fits your skimmer input and stick it on there, loosely even as it doesn't have to be water tight, and then stick the tube from the biopellet reactor effluent and stick it in the PVC Tee. The other opening will allow the skimmer to continue to pull extra water as needed since the biopellet reactor will not supply enough for proper skimming.

I used to run the UV on my system in the sump to process all water returning to the DT but have since moved it to the DT. That way it'll pull water directly from the DT, towards the bottom, expose it to UV, and then return it right back into the DT.

If you get bored and want a good read for Valentine's Day, here's my UV experiment I've been running:


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Hmm I only put half the amount, and they've been running for about 4 weeks now and nothing, haven't noticed any difference. Also I've been running through a lot of gfo media as well trying to keep the phosphates in check. Wonder where all these nutrients are coming from. I do feed heavy but it's multiple small feelings throughout the day, mostly pellet....guess I'll just have to be patient and wait the whole 8 weeks and see what happens

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Hmm I only put half the amount, and they've been running for about 4 weeks now and nothing, haven't noticed any difference. Also I've been running through a lot of gfo media as well trying to keep the phosphates in check. Wonder where all these nutrients are coming from. I do feed heavy but it's multiple small feelings throughout the day, mostly pellet....guess I'll just have to be patient and wait the whole 8 weeks and see what happens

What are your results for nitrates and phosphates?
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I have about 200 lbs of live rock, some pukani I don't know what the other rock is. Got it all from rca. I try to take a turkey Baster and clean the live rock as much as I can right before I do a water change. Not sure if that helps....

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Hmm I only put half the amount, and they've been running for about 4 weeks now and nothing, haven't noticed any difference. Also I've been running through a lot of gfo media as well trying to keep the phosphates in check. Wonder where all these nutrients are coming from. I do feed heavy but it's multiple small feelings throughout the day, mostly pellet....guess I'll just have to be patient and wait the whole 8 weeks and see what happens

What are your results for nitrates and phosphates?
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