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New Betta


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Welp, I just paid $62 in an auction on eBay for this dude because I'm obviously a crazy person. I just couldn't let it go. Given that I paid $62 for a gd betta, I feel like it is only logical that he should breed. If anyone has a betta breeding operation/experience and wants to try and breed him once he's settled in from Thailand let me know. 8969dbe577ee4f264e389b49c4e8a3f7.jpg

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Lol I.....I....I....couldn't help myself. Every betta I've ever had has had basically the same behavior and disposition, so I feel like the stun factor is what distinguishes them. I just lost a pretty stunning pastel betta whose constipation would not respond to any treatment, and have been looking for one of similar distinction.

I'm still not sure if this is white or silver. I've seen a silver crown tail so I know it's possible.

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There was this crazy beta breeder Meg and I knew back in Michigan that had won all sorts of awards for his fish. He was old grouchy German dude and would correct people "is not bEta, is beta" pronounced bay-ta and bet-a.

This concludes all I know of betas.

May have to come see your super fish from Thailand when you get it.

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Gig 'em, what's the process look like? If I remember correctly, they can only be paired during the breeding window because after that the male will start bullying and attacking the female. Is that correct?

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Well I don't know about a breeding window, sometimes it's hit or miss with a male. Some males are just complete A#$ and will never breed. But typically I will put them near each other where he can't reach her but see her. I'll do a water change with water that is cooler than the current water, which simulates the rainy season. When the male builds a bubble nest in response to the cool fresh water and the female I will release the female and let them do their thing. Once she lays her eggs you have to get her out ASAP otherwise he'll beat the living junk out of her. The male will then tend to the eggs until they hatch. He'll continue to care for the babies until they can swim on their own power.

Once this has happened I remove the male and start feeding with rotifers or microworms. This is the hardest part, keeping the babies well fed until they can eat flakes. Overall they are pretty hardy fish and can take a lot of abuse, but like all animals are most vulnerable as babies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He chewed up his own tail in transit. :-( They sent a picture and it's pretty bad. My options are to get a refund, or request a replacement and receive the replacement and the original fish. Waiting to hear back from the seller on what they have available.

I guess I could breed the original, but what I really wanted most was a solitary show quality betta. After shipping I'll be in at over $100 for one potentially marginal fish and one mangled breeder. I may just get the refund and start shopping again.

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  • 2 months later...

Man that betta looks spectacular. Even in the big box pet store the other day they had some new betta morphs I hadn't heard of. Made me really wish I had a rack of small tanks I could keep some in.

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