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Fish die off

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Has anyone just seemingly randomly lost half their fish population within a day or two? This weekend I lost a flame angel, a pink skunk clown, a pseudochromis, and a blenny. I can't seem to figure out why, and none of they showed any signs of disease and were happily eating the day before. My tangs, wrasse, and chromis are all still fine and it has left me scratching my head. My phosphates have been high for a couple weeks, but I've been bringing it down with carbon and gfo. I immediately changed out all my carbon and GFO this weekend after fishing 3 fish out and so far there are no more mortality's.

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What are your nitrates? Any ammonia detected? Nitrite? Bacterial infections?

I'm having a heck of a time with my fish in the tub with an early bacterial infection that 3 fish caught but they are doing much better now after treatment.

It's just hard to keep water quality high in the tub for some reason. I guess I just bank on nutrient removal via technology like in my DT, where in this situation I really just need to be relying on water changes.

How often are you doing water changes?

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I have no idea what nitrates were, my tests don't produce the pink colors much anymore, more of a greyish brown color doh.gif Probably about that time to invest in a new test kit.

I was performing water changes every other week, but haven't done so in a couple weeks due to traveling for work, so that could possibly do it. I performed a 10 g water change this weekend after removing the dead fish. I would expect to see more coral die off than fish if the water quality was in the dumps, and most of my corals are still surviving.

I wonder if the plastic in these tubs leaches out any chemicals? I know Chris lost a few fish in this tub too when he was holding his fish in there. Just a thought..

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Definitely a thought for sure about leaching of chemicals. I believe Dena had her fish in a tub for over a year but I don't know if there were significant fish deaths. Ol'aggie is currently keeping his fish in a tub as well. Maybe he'll chime in on any fish losses.

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Thanks man, it helps a little. It was good seeing your flame angel healthy and alive after just flushing mine bye.gifnopity.gif

I've been holding out waiting for Hanna to create a Nitrate test kit since I absolutely abhor colorimetric tests that depend on distinguishing between different shades of the same color.

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