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That looks like a full Apex which has two VDM ports built-in with the controller itself. It's the two Ethernet looking ports on the far right. They can run two pieces of equipment a piece, which means really 4 VDM ports with the two connections.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Delays, delays.

Ordered some parallel mounts for the 2 SOLs only to find one of the mounting screws were seized after receiving the order. Had a plan for the lights but this seized screw definitely wasn't part of the plan. We have now shifted to plan B for the lighting. Decided to go ahead and order a VDM for the lights while brainstorming a different solution for mounting them. I was going to go ahead and use the AI controller but since everything else is running through the Apex, might as well have these lights running through it as well. What's another $120 in this money pit of a hobby? I know what I need to do with the lighting now but need to replace the blade on my bandsaw with something more appropriate for resawing. I guess a Woodcraft trip is in order this afternoon.

At least the fish, shrimp, rock, and CUC are out of the QT and in the DT now. I hope to have the SOLs mounted tomorrow or Monday. Here is where we are so far. I figure we will give the tank a few months to mature a little before we start adding corals.



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Nice! This build seems to be coming along so quickly, at least in my own world where it takes me half a year to get a tank set up doh.gif

It looks like we're not only neighbors, but tank bro's, that's the same tank model I am currently in the process of setting up. Can't wait to see the progress on your tank and eventually in person some day.

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Hinano Gold for me please. I felt like the Hinano tastes a little like a cheap lite beer sold here in the states...

What size sump is that? Since you have the exact same tank I'm currently building I'm using your pictures as templates for myself and I'm worrying I won't be able to fit a sump, reactor, AND reservoir under there. I'm thinking of building my own reservoir to fit under my tank if you want to join forces and build two at once!

You're in luck! I'm hosting the February meeting and Gig'em likes to come mooch on the free eggrolls and spring rolls and try to sneak off with some of my frags when I'm not looking.

Come join us! It'll be a blast!

Yes, "try" to steal frags [emoji57] muahahaha

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Hinano Gold for me please. I felt like the Hinano tastes a little like a cheap lite beer sold here in the states...

What size sump is that? Since you have the exact same tank I'm currently building I'm using your pictures as templates for myself and I'm worrying I won't be able to fit a sump, reactor, AND reservoir under there. I'm thinking of building my own reservoir to fit under my tank if you want to join forces and build two at once!

You're in luck! I'm hosting the February meeting and Gig'em likes to come mooch on the free eggrolls and spring rolls and try to sneak off with some of my frags when I'm not looking.

Come join us! It'll be a blast!

Yes, "try" to steal frags [emoji57] muahahaha

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Hinano Gold for me please. I felt like the Hinano tastes a little like a cheap lite beer sold here in the states...

What size sump is that? Since you have the exact same tank I'm currently building I'm using your pictures as templates for myself and I'm worrying I won't be able to fit a sump, reactor, AND reservoir under there. I'm thinking of building my own reservoir to fit under my tank if you want to join forces and build two at once!

Well, I haven't found the Hinano Gold in the states and have to go to the west coast to find any Hinano at all. Margaritas it is.

As for the sump, it's a 29g and I seriously need to rethink this sump. I've failed at every option I tried this afternoon and evening to 86 the filter socks in my sump without severe bubble issues in the DT and making my salinity probe go nuts. The sump works perfect with socks but call me old fashioned since I prefer not to have a nitrate trap that needs to be dealt with every few days- I prefer weekly maintenance. Ten clogged socks in 2 weeks just doesn't work for me.

I have just about convinced myself to go get a 40B and pick up some acrylic sheet. I'm sure I could pull the sump build off for under $150 and have exactly what I want. I've built a sump before using a glass tank and had good luck when I used acrylic that was thick enough to avoid flexing and popping the silicone. I figure that I can use the sump I have now for a template and integrate another ATO reservoir in the 40B while being able to give myself some room for a small fuge. I don't need anything huge since we won't be harvesting pods for a Mandarin this time around but want something big enough to run some macro and rubble. The big problem then becomes the reactor since room will be extremely tight and i'm not sure it would fit because of the way my stand is built. Your stand might accommodate this perfectly and still allow reactor maintenance without too much trouble, especially if it's that spiffy red one you posted a pic of recently. I ran a calcium reactor on our old tank but never ran a reactor for any other purpose- I am starting to question why I need one now. I have some decisions to make.

I don't really know what to do about this but I do know the socks have to go since they are clogging too quick and causing bubbles that is sending salt creep everywhere at an abnormally fast pace.

If you have ideas that you want to bounce around, feel free to share. And yes, we could join forces and i'm sure we could come up with a good idea. Here's a little bigger pic of the sump so you can use it as a reference for any ideas you may have.


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Haha unbelievable, so far our tank builds are about perfectly in step. I'll be using a 29 gallon tank as well that I used on my last tank. I just put in glass baffles this week and leak tested this weekend. I have a skimmer in the left reservoir and fuge/rubble/Fiji mud on the right with a return pump and heaters in the center. I am then going to build an acrylic top off reservoir the same length as the sump, which should be flush with the sump and hold ~15 gallons. Here's a pic of what I did with mine:bf2bc22538c1c663ca367410557fd586.jpg

I am not going to be using any socks since I never have and am not home enough to change them on a regular basis. Hopefully this helps foster ideas for your sump.
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That organization under the stand....dribble.gif

cdf - Talk to me about those firefish if you would. I see 3 fish, 2 different types. I've killed every firefish I've ever put in my tank and I want one so bad! I'm like Lenny and his mouse, if he had a dozen of them...blush.pngmad.gif

Any words of wisdom? I've read that they are about impossible to keep multiples, and that the stress of the alpha battle eventually does in the last man standing.

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As far as removing the filter socks you can extend the pvc pipes to below the water line and put a 90 elbow and angle it away from the first baffle I have seen this work in the past and make it removable so if you ever need the filter socks in the future

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