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Snail questions.


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Not sure what kind this big ol' snail is maybe an elephant? If that makes sense. But for the past few days he has been climbing out of my tank and down the side (out of the water) can they breath air and live? 60212dbe77baac0ac5fb3207607bece8.jpg

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I have always seen them referred to as Zebra Turbo snails for the striping on their shells. I have no idea about breathing out of water but it must be able to do some or it wouldn't survive its newly acquired like of a wandering adventure.

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Thanks. I thought that might be what it is but mines like 3." and everything I read says 2" max. Either way. Yea all parameters are spot on. I think he just got bored. His shell was bone dry like he had been out for a while. It took a minute to coax him off the glass without hurting him (he still had suction and fight) I dropped him back in and he's zooming around eating. Weird.

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I have a shell of one that was about 5" and have some in my tank currently that are close to 2.5 so I would consider your sources to be quite wrong... I have seen many over 2".

+1, I have 3 that are over 3" in my system. Make sure you're looking at zebra turbo snails and not just the regular turbo snails.
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But if I've learned one lesson it's don't fully trust anyone or anything entirely. Everyone's system, fish, corals, problems, expertise...is different. I was merely pointing out why I wasn't sure what kind it was at first. That's all.

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But if I've learned one lesson it's don't fully trust anyone or anything entirely. Everyone's system, fish, corals, problems, expertise...is different. I was merely pointing out why I wasn't sure what kind it was at first. That's all.

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I would just trust me implicitly. [emoji12]
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