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Hello Austin Reefers


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Hi Everyone,

My name is Mitchell Chavez, I'm currently a college student and I've been keeping aquariums for a little over three years. I am fairly new to the saltwater side of the hobby and am joining to connect with local reefers.

On a side note, I am currently downsizing from a 75G aquarium to a 20G aquarium and have a yellow eyed kole tang in need of a home. I quarantined the fish for a little over a month and have been happily keeping him in my 75G for about two months. I want to make sure he is going to a good home so if any of you are interested let me know.

I look forward to being a part of this community!



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Welcome Mitchell, I'm fairly new here as well and learning about the reef side of things.

I'm upsizing to a 75g soon and a Yellow Eye Kole Tang is on my wish list! How big is it now? Temperament? I've got a 46g now and mostly smaller fish, so if he's full grown already, or a bully, it wouldn't be a good fit. Shoot me a PM and let's chat.

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